Hanama`ulu Community Association

Kalepa Cemetery
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The Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Web site has a KALEPA CEMETERY page. Please visit the page for activities on the cemetery and related information prior to 2007.  To access 
the page, open the Links page on this Web Site, and click
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration.

Hanama`ulu Cemetery Cleanup Schedule 2016

The 3rd Saturday of the month is cleanup day at Hanama`ulu Cemetery behind Kalepa Village Housing.  The cleanup duo of Eddie Sarita (346-0090) and Tono Duterte (346-5047) need assistance to clean the cemetery and honor the plantation days residents of Hanama`ulu Town with some attention and care.

Please mark your calendar and give Eddie and Tono your help:  January 16, February 20, March 19, April 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17.

Cleanup starts at 8 a.m. and ends at noon.  Eddie and Tono thank you in advance for your much-needed assistance.

Clean-up:  Feb. 16, 2009

John Iwamoto, 12 Lihue Hongwanji Boy Scouts ...
with Scout Master Gilbert Cabot volunteer on Presidents' Day!

Pastor Roy Sasaki weed-whacks @ Japanese Cemetery
Also @ the clean-up were Eddie Sarita & Peter Rayno.

Hardworking volunteers included Randy Ikeda
of Honolulu and John C. Iwamoto.

Photos by Laurie Kelekoma

Coming Event:
At the September 17, 2009, meeting, Peter Rayno announced that a cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, October 17, starting at 8 a.m.  Since the Filipino section is in good condition, the cleanup will be focused on the Japanese section.  John Iwamoto will contact Gilbert Cabot and the Lihue Hongwanji Boy Scouts for help.  The road access and parking area will be sprayed with herbicide with the use of Neil Rapozo's spraying equipment.

Japanese & Filipino sections
Notice the tombstones on one side & the crosses on the other side.

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Kalepa Cemetery Committee

Peter Rayno and Ernest Domingo serve as chairmen of this hardworking volunteer committee.

Joining the committee to clean and maintain Kalepa Cemetery, also known as Hanama`ulu Cemetery, are Angel Madrid, Arthur Maghanoy, and Alfonso (Gus) Garcia.

Volunteers are encouraged to help with this worthy project.

Kalepa Cemetery: Japanese Section
Photo: Karl Lo | June 16, 2005

Kalepa Clean-up

MAY 2007: Peter Rayno, Ernest Domingo, Angel Madrid, and other volunteers cleaned the Filipino section of Kalepa Cemetery.

The committee also wants to clean the Japanese section of the cemetery. Towards this end, relatives of those buried there should be contacted and asked to help with cleanup and maintenance.

JUNE 2007: Kalepa Cemetery Committee Chair Peter Rayno reported that Angel Madrid, Ernest Domingo, Arthur Maghanoy, and Alfonso (Gus) Garcia cleaned the Japanese section of Kalepa Cemetery. The committee also installed PVC pipes from the Japanese Cemetery to the Filipino Cemetery, in the hope that the water line would help with the ground cover, thus stop the erosion in the Filipino section of the cemetery.

Related Article:

Fujimoto, Dennis. "Hanama`ulu tends to the past." The Garden Island. Monday, October 29, 2007.

Fujimoto, Dennis. "Hanama`ulu volunteers tend to the past." Kaua`i Business Report, November 2007. p.5.

Gehrlein, Rachel. "Community pays its respects." The Garden Island, Sunday, February 17, 2008. A1:1-2+. Photo: Dennis Fujimoto. (Boy Scouts from Troop 83, sponsored by Lihue Hongwanji Mission, help the Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association clean up the Japanese section of Kalepa Cemetery.)

If you have information, stories, thoughts, etc. on Kalepa Cemetery
 that you would like to share, e-mail info@htcelebration.org.

CLICK Webmaster's e-mail address.


P. O. Box 206 
Hanama`ulu, Kaua`i, Hawai`i 9671

E-mail: hanamaulucommunityassociation@live.com

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