U.S.Marine Corps League. Kauai Detachment |
Under 1st Sgt. J. Q. Smith (Ret.), Commandant |
Saturday : July 16, 2005
(Immediately after the Parade)
Master of Ceremonies : John Cabello
Call to Gather : Blowing of Shofar : Pastor Larry Matsuwaki
Invocation/Welcome : Pastor Roy K. Sasaki
National Anthem and Hawai`i Pono`i : Nalani Ka`auwai-Brun
Greetings : Mayor Bryan Baptiste
Recognition of Hanama`ulu's Old-timers :
Mayor Bryan Baptiste, Edward Sarita, Flo Abrams
Greetings & Proclamation : Kathleen N. A. Watanabe,
Director, Dept. of Human Resources Development,
Representing Gov. Linda Lingle
Musical Presentation:
Lihue Senior Center : Marilyn Matsumoto
The Hanama`ulu Experience : Panel Presentation
Remembering the Past : William Neil Rapozo & Peter Rayno
Celebrating the Present : Edward Sarita
Embracing the Future : JoAnn Yukimura
Musical Presentations:
Ron Wiley, Master of Ceremonies
Japanese Dance Group : Aiko Nakaya
Auntie Lani Higa Halau
Kasibulan Filipino Folk Dance Co. : Jose Bulatao/AlanVillaflor
Dance : Teresa Bakiano/Elisa Becker
Vocal Solo : Ray Domingo
Loke Sasil Halau
The Rubies : Bryn Hashimoto, Tayni Hashimoto, Jorey Cantu
Song & Dance : Kaua`i Visayan Club
Senior Band : Carol Espino
Kaua`i Bible Church : Pastor David Leong

SATURDAY : JULY 16, 2005
"The Little Engine That Could!" |

Photo : Ellie Ibia | San Jose, CA |
How to take care of 700 to1000! That was the question!
Initially, the plan was to have a potluck. On second thought, a catered
event was considered. And the agony over how to have a shared evening meal to which everyone in attendance would be invited
continued until June when the "Saturday Evening Gathering" Committee came up with the solution: a chicken hekka dinner.
No announcement was made about the hekka dinner. Except to a
few, the event was a complete surprise to the 750-plus who came for the Saturday evening program.
The "Can Do Committee" had the help of many hands to cut 240 pounds of boneless chicken on Thursday, July 14, and the
help of more hands with other preparations and cooking on Saturday afternoon and with the serving that evening.
Some ingredients for the hekka were bought, some were donated. Some desserts were bought, some were donated.
The "Dream Team!" |

Photo : Ellie Ibia | San Jose, CA |
And the final comment is ... WELL DONE!
A BIG MAHALO to everyone who helped make the evening buffet possible.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Remy Chinen, Eddie Sarita, Karen Pescador, Pauline Ibia. Missing: Cora and
Edmund Pascual.
Master of Ceremonies : Millie Curtis
Prayer : Fr. Napoleon Andres
Anthems : Kaua`i Filipino Centennial Chorale
Star-Spangled Banner
Hawai`i Pono`i
Philippine National Anthem
Filipino Youth Cultural Dancers : Frances Sagadraca
Filipino Cultural Dancers : Frances Sagadraca
Filipino Women's Club Chorus : Carol Mapue
Recognition of Lihue Plantation's Role
in Hanama`ulu : Catherine Pascual Lo
Above is the speech that almost didn't get delivered.
For some inexcusable reason, the Master of Ceremonies forgot the speech and the Talk Story. When the Way of Salvation
was enthroned on the stage before the speech and the Talk Story, it was obvious that the MC had dismissed the speakers into
the Hanamaulu night! Someone visiting from San Jose, CA, who cared very much, had to locate the MC, who already left the
stage, to ask what was afoot. The speaker was distraught, but she had a promise to keep, so she delivered her speech after
the Way of Salvation group cleared the stage.
Talk Story
Carol Macadangdang Trokey of Antioch, CA, and Adele Goias Badoyen
of San Jose, CA, agreed to participate in the Talk Story. Graduates of Hanama`ulu School, they were glad to share their memories.
With the program gone awry, the Talk Story was just on paper. One solution was for Judith Thomson, who was doing a documentary
for the Kauai Historical Society that evening, to tape Carol and Adele's Talk Story. As far away from the din of the stage,
the Way of Salvation group having returned to continue their presentation! Regrettably, the audience missed the Talk Story
by Carol and Adele, and by others who would have followed them to the microphone. And many came for the Talk Story. Fortunately,
the polite audience had no outward reaction to the departure from the printed program.
Way of Salvation Church : Filipino Songs : Orlie
Kachi-kachi : Charlie Vegas
The Natural Harmony : William Sasil Band

SUNDAY : JULY 17, 2005
Master of Ceremonies : Aida Pascual
Call to Gather : Blowing of Shofar : Pastor Larry Matsuwaki
Prayer/Invocation : Pastor Robert (Bob) Quintanar
Welcome/Greetings : Cathy Simao
Taiko Drums : Glenna Ueunten
Filipino Folk Dancing for Everyone :
Alan Villaflor & Pam Sokei
Hula Halau : Leilani Rivera Bond
Demonstration : The String People : Earl & Lois Stokes
Children's Contest (Hula Hoops, etc.) : Mike Dandurand/Kustom Sounds Kaua`i
Let the Games Begin : Peter Rayno Jr.
Alternative Activities for those not participating in games:
* Talk Story
* Visit to Old Kalepa Cemetery
Visit to Kalepa Cemetery
The Committee That Cares -- Eddie Sarita, Florentino "Tono" Duterte,
Pat Ramelb, Arthur Maghanoy, Roy Sasaki, and their helpers -- cleaned Kalepa Cemetery in 2003.
For the celebration, Eddie, Tono, and Pat made sure that relatives
and friends would not be disappointed with a visit to the cemetery.
1. Connie Macaraeg Laforga, Suisun City, CA
On Sunday afternoon, Eddie took a carload to the cemetery, and Pastor
Roy walked with another group.
2. Cecilia Ariola Dana, Hanamaulu
Rose dela Cruz Carvalho of Lihue and Connie Macaraeg Laforga of Suisun
City, CA, expressed their
appreciation for the condition of the Kalepa Filipino Cemetery. Undoubtedly, others who visited
the cemetery were pleased.
3. Isabella Madrid Ramelb, Hanamaulu
Facilitator: Catherine Pascual Lo, Poipu

After the Celebration . . .
SUNDAY : JULY 17, 2005 : 7:00
Some 200 stayed -- or returned to Peter Rayno Sr. Park --
to see "The Debut" --
the second movie shown
for the Movie-in-The-Park Program,
the first having been shown at
Anahola Park the week before.
"The Debut" is a Filipino-American movie
about a father's aspirations for his son,
and the son's own ideas.
A free program sponsored by the Mayor's Drug Task Force, faith-based
organizations, and others in the community, the movie was viewed by families and friends who brought their own chairs and
Also, benches from the celebration were used. And remembering drive-in movies in the 1950s and 1960s, some couples viewed
the movie in the comfort of their cars.
The food booths at the celebration remained open for the event.
