1. Non-Profit Status Committee
2. Community Center Committee
3. By-laws & Charter Committee
4. Newsletter Committee
5. Kalepa Cemetery Committee
6. Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Committee
1. Non-profit Status Committee
Neil Rapozo, Chair. The committee will go to work
in earnest after the By-laws & Charter Committee completes its work.
2. Community Center Committee
Dale Matsuura, Chair. Members:
Eugenio Delos Reyes, Florentino "Tono" Duterte,
Al Garcia, Pauline Ibia, Mildred Rapozo,
Neil Rapozo, and Blu Ulanday.
Mrs. Matsuura, a draftsman and skilled with
drawing plans, and her committee have reviewed existing county neighborhood center plans.
Their goal is to have the drawings for the
Hanama`ulu Community Center approved
by the end of the year.
3. By-laws & Charter Committee
Blu Ulanday, Chair. Members:
Gayle Bakiano, Greg Bakiano, Alice Morikawa,
Michelle Shofner, Rena Ulanday, and Vic Villon.
Required by the IRS for the
non-profit status application,
the By-laws & Charter of the
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Association
should be completed and approved by June or July.
4. Newsletter Committee
Laurie Kelekoma, Chair.
The first newsletter will be published in July.
Readers who want to be on the mailing list
are asked to send names and mailing addresses
to the website e-mail.
5. Kalepa Cemetery Committee
Peter Rayno and Ernie Domingo, Chairmen. Maintenance work, which includes the Japanese section of the cemetery, should
in the next three months.
6. Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Committee
The next meeting of the
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Committee
will be on Thursday, April 19.
For further details, please contact Eddie Sarita.
Posted 3.25.07
* Hawaii-Filipino Centennial
* 2006 Celebration
* All-Day Celebration
* Talk Story 2006
* Calendars
* Kalepa Cemetery
2007 Hanama`ulu Town Events ...
* Instead of a BIG celebration in July, the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Committee plans to hold quarterly events to build
community interest, support, and participation.
*The committee is considering get-togethers with food and free bingo with prizes. Also, special events for the children
at Easter, Halloween and Christmas.
*Before holding another Hanama`ulu Town Celebration, the committee wants to formally organize and obtain a non-profit
501.c3 designation so the group can apply for grants. The committee covets the attention of government leaders and foundations
in its aspiration to see a Hanama`ulu Community Center built in the near future.
*Moreover, the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Committee plans to publish a quarterly newsletter. Membership will be open
to non-Hanama'ulu residents so those who are not residents of the town but who have Hanama`ulu's interest at heart can join.
Posted Nov. 13, 2006
Christmas Party
THE 2006 HANAMAULU TOWN CELEBRATION Committee made magnificent plans
for a Christmas Party, which was held on
Friday, December 15, 2006.
Food, Fun, and Fellowship were given high billing, and the interest for the gathering was so high, the venue had to be
changed to the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall. The Kalepa Village Conference Room would have been too small, and parking
would have been a problem.
Santa's visit, the grab bag for kids, and free bingo were
orchestrated by Rena and Blu Ulanday, who did a
marvelous job in planning and in executing the plans.
Those in attendance applaud Eddie Sarita, chairman, and his many helpers for a job well done. And special mention should
be made of Blu, who made a credible and a creditable Santa!
Easter Plans
On March 9, the Webmaster posted on the Welcome page: "Plans will be posted as they become available."
For our Web site readers who maybe wondering about the latest word, there may be no community Easter event at Hanama`ulu
this year. Let's hope there will be one next year. HAPPY EASTER! (Posted April 1, 2007. No, this is not an April Fool's
Other Activities
On March 9, the Webmaster posted on Welcome page: "Activities will be posted as they are planned." Please read
the postings on the Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association page, the second page of the Web site. (April 1, 2007/July 12, 2007)