Hanama`ulu Town Calendar
A memento to cherish!
Featured are
Hanama`ulu landmarks
and the town's residents.
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are yours for the asking
while copies last. Contact: Eddie
P. O. Box 206
Hanamaulu, HI 96715 (Posted 5.24.2007; Updated 11.10.2007)
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Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association
ended in December 2006.
Those who attended the Christmas Party on December 15 availed themselves, their families, and their friends to the extra
This page remains as a reminder of what was
and what may be again. (Posted 03.09.07)
Calendar Images Courtesy Of
Randy Aina, Vice-President
Edward Enterprises, Inc.
Honolulu, HI
Posted July 26, 2006
Updated Oct. 3, 2006
The 2007 Hanama`ulu Town Calendar
Front Cover: Aerial view of Hanama`ulu, Kalepa and the Kapule Highway
(Photo is posted above.)
Back Cover: Hanama`ulu Beach through the ironwoods with Ahukini Pier in the background/ORLANDO VALDEZ
Inside Front Cover: The old Hanama`ulu Railroad Bridge over Hanama`ulu River. Built by Lihue Plantation Co. in 1925.
Part of railroad system used by plantation locomotives to haul cane from the Hanama`ulu and Kealia sugar fields to Lihue
Mill. Railroad system was teminated in 1956/SHARON CORPUZ
Inside Front Cover Inset: The concrete bridge under construction in 1925. The first bridge was a high
wooden trestle/KAUA`I MUSEUM
Inside Back Cover/Top Left:. Filipino workers dismantling and removing
railroad tracks after Lihue Plantation switched to trucks to haul harvested sugar cane. Two men in photo from Hanama`ulu
are Segundo Martinez (far left) and Loreto Ibanez (in center of photo with iron bar)/KAUA`I MUSEUM
Inside Back Cover/Top Right: Tractors used for pulling cane cars on portable tracks through fields during harvest time.
Photo taken behind Hanama`ulu shop with Kalepa in background/KAUA`I MUSEUM
Inside Back Cover/Bottom Left: 1912 photo of Hanama`ulu Store, with
hitching post for horses at left corner/KAUA`I MUSEUM
Inside Back Cover/Bottom Center: Pre-1900 photo of Hanama`ulu Mill from lower slopes of Kalepa Heights looking towards
Ahukini, with Hanama`ulu Beach Road still unpaved/KAUA`I MUSEUM
Inside Back Cover/Bottom Right: An 1890s photo of a locomotive crossing the Hanama`ulu trestle over Hanama`ulu River,
with a steamship at Ahukini Wharf in the background/KAUA`I MUSEUM
JANUARY: The Hanama`ulu concrete bridge over Hanama`ulu River today, with the Kapule Highway bypass in the background/ORLANDO
FEBRUARY: A circa 1954 photo of "Lei Lehua" and its crew while the diesel locomotive was parked on the railroad
tracks at what is now the 13th fairway of Wailua Golf Course. The tracks ran from Lydgate Park to the old Marine Camp. Also
in the picture with the locomotive crew and superisors were Lihue Plantation manager Keith B. Tester and Hanama`ulu Shop supervisor
Antone Carvalho. Diesel locomotives, which had the capacity to pull at a time more than 100 cane cars loaded with cane,
replaced the wood-burning locomotives.
MARCH: The John Koerte Sr. home on Kuhio Highway. Built by Lihue
Plantation in the early 1900s and still in use today, the home is the oldest in Hanama`ulu/SHARON CORPUZ
(Photo and month are posted above.)
APRIL: The Comilang Camp House in lower Punchbowl Camp, built circa 1895. Lorenzo Comilang (1901?-1998), father of Teofilo,
Simfroso, and Teresa, lived in this house as long as he could. Punchbowl Camp was where the Portuguese workers lived, and
the houses were demolished in 1995 to make way for Kalepa Village Housing/SHARON CORPUZ
(Posted 9.22.07. To be continued ...)
Related Article:
Chang, Lester. "Calendar captures town's roots."
The Garden Island. Monday, July 23, 2007. A1:2-4+.