Commentaries ...
HANAMA`ULU: The community just recently put together a celebration to show case its pride and history. This event was a
great success and the residents have decided to do it again next year!
(Ka Leo O Kaua`i : Island-Wide Priorities & Progress : January 2006)

July 16: HANAMA`ULU TOWN CELEBRATION: Peter Rayno Sr. Park at Hanamaulu was filled with residents, past residents, and guests
as the Lihue Senior Center's Ukulele II students opened the program with the song, "Healoha No'o Hanamaulu." When
the opening song was announced, the crowd responded in shouts, claps, and laughter; it was such a beautiful welcome to the
Nelson Kaai led the group with the conch shell blowing. Chanters Marilyn Matsumoto, Monica Amorin, and Luika Tachikawa followed
Kaai and oli'ed "Oli Aloha" as the students found their places on stage. Twenty minutes of exciting songs were
delivered by various strumming techniques, hula dancing at ground level and as close to the visitors' view, ipu pounding to
the Hawaiian songs, and harmonica blowing. At the closure of each harmonica blowing song, the crowd expressed its appreciation
by loud cheering sounds!
Free meal tickets were given as a token of appreciation to each participant. Thank you, Hanamaulu Reunion Committee, for
the invitation to a very beautiful morning of sharing!
(From the Lihue Senior Center's July-August Activities Report
By Marilyn Matsumoto : August 30, 2005
Posted on the Web site with permission)
Acknowledgments ...