January 4, 2005 |
Roses from Sister Dely and Brother Roy |
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration E-mail: info@htcelebration.org (CLICK)
Dear Reader:
If you happen to read Brad's e-mail below
and can help him, please contact him through the Website e-mail, and the Webmaster will forward the information to
him. MAHALO.
On Sep 21, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Ibanez, Bradford wrote:
My Name is Brad and I'm trying to find out where my Grandparents
lived and worked in Kapaa, Kauai, as sugar plantation workers and family. My Grandparents were Fructoso and Emilia
Avilla (Abella). I plan to visit Kapaa in the near future to try and find any information
on how folks lived and worked on the sugar plantation. I'm hoping to even talk story with anyone who is left or
can remember the ole plantation days. I remember I attended a re-union with some of the Kapaa families with my Mother once
in Oahu, but I don't recall the name of the club from Kapaa Kauai. Hope someone can help me find some historical
information on my Grandparents and family who were born on Kauai.
Sincerely, Brad Avilla Ibanez -------------------------------
Date: September
27, 2010 4:26:50 PM HST
To: Bradford.Ibanez
Aloha, Brad:
I regret the belatedness of this response, but I was away
when you e-mail came, and I read it just now.
As one who loves history and research, I applaud you for your
interest and effort in learning about your grandparents. Makee Sugar Co., which merged with Lihue Plantation in 1933,
was located in Kealia, north of
Kapaa, and in all likelihood the plantation your grandfather
worked for. When you come to Kauai, you will want to visit the Kauai Historical Society in Lihue. The Society may be
able to help you with your research. Google KAUAI HISTORICAL SOCIETY to get the society's Website, mailing address and telephone
With all best wishes and aloha,
Rosalie @ 96-year's young! |
Photo by Rosalie's grandson Brian Johnson |
Scroll down to May 8, 2006, for Rosalie's
photos as a child and at 90.
Happy 96th birthday, Rosalie!
Rosalie Krueger was born in Hanama`ulu on August 30, 1913, to The Manuel Rapozo Family
who moved to Kapaa when Rosalie was about 8. Manuel was the son of Joseph Freitas Rapozo Sr. and Thereza Ermelinda Cabral.
A resident of Carmel Valley, CA, for many years,
Rosalie continues to live independently and walks to nearby Safeway daily to buy fresh vegetables. A child of the `aina
(land), she misses poi, and she makes it last when she gets some.
A few years ago, Rosalie learned to knit so she can
give scarves to the elderly. A great-great grandmother many times over, Rosalie does not see herself as elderly!
Raised a Kaua`i Catholic, Rosalie continues to go
to church. However, today her family asks her not if she went to church but where. Blessed with many friends
who worship at churches of various denominations, Rosalie goes with the first friend who offers her a ride. Rosalie’s
daughter Rosanna and her husband Robert Alsted of Danville, CA, say it well: Rosalie “figures it is the same God
no matter where.”
Rosalie visits the East Coast twice a year, and her
family hopes that with “luck and her continued exercises” she will be back home … Kauai, that is …
for another visit to celebrate her 100th birthday.
Happy 96th birthday, Rosalie! May the good
Lord continue to bless you with good health, contentment, and happiness.
(Thank you, Robert and Rosanna, for the current info
on Rosalie, and for Brian’s picture of her when the family celebrated her birthday on Sunday, August 30, 2009.
--- Catherine Lo)
June 11, 2008, at 1:31 PM
I am new to this land and need help with
my gardening. Who can I listen to and learn from in Hanama'ulu?
June 12, 2008 10:30:54 AM HST
Aloha, Steve:
I will forward your inquiry to Eddie Sarita, President
of the Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association, in the hopes that he can introduce you to someone who can help you with gardening.
Also, you may want to attend the potluck/bingo event of
the association at Hanama`ulu Beach Park Pavilion on Saturday, June 21. Time: 6-8 PM. You should meet neighbors and others
who may be of help to you. For more information on the June 21 event, please click the second Web site below, and open the
Hope to see you June 21!
Tel.: (808) 742-7238
Email: info@htcelebration.org
Web Sites:
4/7/07 12:27 PM
I've visited the site a number of times since I stumbled on it a month or so ago. I had done a search on Wayne Jerv[e]s
and got a hit on an email sent in by Eleanor Ibia highlighting the fact that Wayne along with Joey and Dick Vierra and Timothy
Albao used to attend "Teen Town" on Friday nights at the Lutheran church.
The site has brought back so many great memories as well as names of so many friends from the past.
And yes, Eddie, this is your old classmate from Kauai High School days, Class of 1960.
Thank you so much!!!!
Dick Vierra
PS If possible, pass my email address on to Eleanor. I would love to touch base with her.
April 7, 2007
Dear Richard:
I'm glad you found the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration website. Thank you for the encouraging subject line. [Keep Up
The Great Work!!!!!!] I'm sending a cc of my reply to Eddie and to Eleanor. I'm sure they will be happy to get in touch
with you.
Catherine (Eleanor's sister)
11/9/06 09:26 AM
My thanks to all of you who have helped with the upkeep of Kalepa Cemetery. I happened on the Hanama'ulu Town Celebration
website and saw the pictures of the cemetery. Up until now, I didn't know the actual name. My grandparents are buried there,
and it's been years
since I've seen it. It was actually very touching to see the pictures, especially since I no longer live on Kauai.
On behalf of the Marquez family, I sincerely thank you.
Cynthia Cezar McDonald
(Hermenia Marquez Cezar's daughter)
P.S. Hi Uncle Pat! (Ramelb)
November 9, 2006
Dear Cynthia:
Greetings from Sunny Poipu!
I knew your mother ... which leads me to the conclusion that you grew up in Koloa. I'm glad you visited the Hanama`ulu
Town Celebration website. How did you happen to find the site?
Thank you for taking time to write. I'll forward this correspondence to Angie Ramelb Green, in the hope that she will
give your Uncle Pat your greeting.
Eddie Sarita, chairman of the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration, is always happy to get appreciative word on the cemetery.
I will share you e-mail with him as well. Don't worry, as a matter of policy, and respectful of privacy, I will delete your
e-mail address in the forwarded messages.
I hope you will visit the website again soon and often.
Peace and aloha,
Catherine Lo
On Sep 20, 2006, at 5:18 PM, Steve Elvena wrote:
My name is Steve Elvena. I came over to Kauai for a visit with my brother Kevin, in May 2006. The reasons were, for a
vacation, and to see where our relatives
came to settle in the early years. Our main purpose was to find our relatives' grave site.
We had received a lead from my Portuguese Godfather, about where a grave site was. It was near the town of Hanama'ulu.
We had asked many people if they knew where a turn of the century cemetery was. We were staying at the Sheraton in Poipu
Beach trying to figure out what to do next. We were talking story to the girls working there [in] customer service, and asked
if they knew of an old cemetery in Hanama'ulu. They did not. But they had a co-worker who lived [in Hanama`ulu] and asked
her. She had told her there was an old haunted cemetery there, and gave her directions for us. I told the workers that this
was the one; I felt it.
We then jumped in the car in search of the cemetery. Following her directions turn by turn, we got out of the car and
went through the gate. This was it; we can both feel it. Then there it was, the cemetery....at first we thought it was the
wrong one, because of all the Japanese markers. but just past that was a christian headstone. We started looking around
and finally
came to what we had been searching for...our relatives.
Toribia Vasquez, she was our great grandmother. The grave right below hers, was her son, my great uncle.
Coming to visit your [web] site and seeing the graves that we had just recently found make me feel very happy and proud.
Much Mahalo for what you all have done and are continuing to do. For any upcoming celebrations I would like to thank all
of you, and offer any assistance you may need. I will try to do my best to help all of you.
Steve Elvena
CLICK to see Toribia Vasquez's grave site.
September 21, 2006
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration info@htcelebration.org wrote:
[Attachment: Photo]
IMG_4526.JPG Bernard Victorino of Fountain Valley, CA, at the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Historical Booth on July 15,
2006. Photo by Karl Lo.
Dear Steve:
Thank you for writing. And thank you for your kind offer to the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Committee. I hope you will
visit the web site often. I will be posting the information on the 2007 celebration soon. Have you visited the CONNECTIONS
I am glad you found the graves of your great grand- mother and great uncle at Kalepa Cemetery. Is Bernard Victorino your
"Portuguese Godfather"? I visited with him at the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration.
Seeing the photo of the grave of Toribia Vasquez in the web site folder, he told me that he knows Toribia's descendants.
Your e-mail brings the matter full circle for me. If you would be so kind to tell me about the Vasquez family; where they
originated in the Philippines; when they came to Hawaii; when the family went back to the Philippines; who stayed; where the
descendants are today, etc. I will appreciate any information you can share with me. I would like the web site to reflect
this detail in the Hanama`ulu experience.
Mahalo and aloha,
P.S. If you know Bernard Victorino, please forward his photo to him. Thank you.
At the Historical Booth |
A folder of the Web site caught Bernard Victorino's attention. |
September 21, 2006
Yep, that's my Uncle "Vic" Bernard. I haven't seen him in a couple years, but he looks good from the photo.
I will get this to him somehow. He is still old school, and uses snail mail. My folks will also be really happy to see
this. I will pass this on, and will get some information for you.
Steve Elvena
Simi Valley, Ca.
7/17/06 03:28 PM
I'm looking for Sonny Gerardo whom I believe is from your town. We were classmates at the UH in the early 70's and became
good friends. I moved to the mainland after after college but I've lost track of Sonny several years ago and would love to
know if you have his email address. Please forward this message to Sonny if you know.
Ed Vergara
7/17/2006 at 4:11 PM
I have an old e-mail address of Sonny Gerardo. I'll forward your e-mail to him in the hope that the address is current
and your classmate and good friend will contact you.
Catherine Lo
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
Mahalo. I think he lives in Koloa as well.
From: Tripod Mailer <builder@tripod.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:12:02 -0400
To: <info@htcelebration.org>
Subject: Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Guestbook
name: joseph palazzolo
mailingaddress: kapaa hi. 96746
7/10/06 09:17 PM
name: Leonard & Janine Rapozo
Kaneohe, HI 96744
comment: Would you please forward my email address to Robert Alsted? After viewing his photosite, I found several names
on there that are similar to our
family tree. We are currently working on the tree-but are unable to locate many 'branches. I was hoping his family and
ours is one and the same!!
Monday, July 10, 2006 10:09 PM
Aloha, Leonard & Janine:
I am glad you found the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Web site. May I ask how you found it?
I would be glad to forward your e-mail address to Robert Alsted. And Iwish you the best in your genealogical search.
Catherine Lo
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration
7/10/06 10:12 PM
Thank you so much, Catherine. Would you be able to tell me a little about William Neil Rapozo? We also have a William
Rapozo in our family tree. I have attached a copy of the family tree we are currently working on; who knows you may know
someone on there!!
Thanks again,
Leonard and Janine
July 10, 2006 10:46 PM
To: Leonard & Janine Rapozo
William Neil Rapozo is the great-grandson of Joseph Freitas Rapozo and Thereza Ermelinda who also came from the Azores
in September 1882. Hisparents were Joseph Rapozo Jr. (3rd generation) and Gloria Sa. Looking at your document, I believe
Joseph Freitas Rapozo and Manuel Rapozo Sr. maybe related, having come from the same place and in all
likelihood on the same ship (S.S. Hansa).* Joseph Freitas Rapozo and his sons, however, all worked for Lihue Plantation
and lived and worked either in Lihue or at Hanama`ulu.
*Your doc says EANSA. My information says HANSA. We have to check which is correct.
Jul 11, 2006, at 8:37 PM
You were correct, the ship name was Hansa. I searched it on the Internet, and there was no ship named Eansa. Thanks
for bringing that to my
Janine Rapozo
Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:50 PM
Thank you for the information. Now we know for sure.
I trust Robert Alsted has e-mailed you. I did not have time to go into details last night, but I wanted to tell you that
the Rapozo family that Robert Alsted married into had a reunion on Oahu in June. Robert and his wife Rosanna (nee: Rapozo
Krueger) came to Kauai after the reunion and we had the pleasure of visiting with them at our home in Poipu. They are very
nice people, and I hope you and Robert can exchange genealogical info.
Thanks so much for doing this for me! It's such a big help. I'm not sure if the two families are related, but I know
one of the Aunties did mention his past weekend that there was a Rapozo Family reunion that she forgot to tell everyone about
(she's 83 yrs old). And she doesn't remember how she heard about it. It's hard to get credible information out of the only
2 women alive from that time (83 yrs & 90 yrs), so that's why we're trying to get the information elsewhere.
My father (who lives on Kauai) told me that there was just a Rapozo that passed away on Kauai this past week, and when
I looked at the obit, lo and behold, they actually were one of the missing pieces from our family tree. Strange huh?
What's stranger is that there is another Leonard and Janine Rapozo Jr. living on Kauai. I have gotten strange looks at
the supermarket and banks when visiting Kauai-anytime. I have to give identification when they see my name. Apparently this
Leonard Rapozo that lives on Kauai works for Waterworks, and knows a lot of people and he happened to have married a "Janine."
Small world. Wouldn't that be something-if they ended up in the same family?
Thank you though. He hasn't responded yet to me, but I'm sure he will.
Jun 25, 2006, at 1:55 PM
name: Richard Agpaoa
comment: We are looking for relatives who came from Ilocos Norte, PI. Father, Pedro Orque Agpaoa.
From: info@htcelebration.org
Date: June 25, 2006 2:49:57 PM HST
Dear Richard:
If you live in Hawaii, I suggest you start contacting all the Agpaoas listed in the telephone directories. Regrettably,
the Agpaoas we know are not from Ilocos Norte. You may also want to search in google.com.
I'll post your inquiry on the website in the hope that you get some responses. In the meantime, check the telephone directories.
Good luck!
Catherine Lo
P.S. As a rule, we don't post e-mail and other addresses on the website. Readers who have information for Richard may
use the website e-mail address, and the webmaster will forward the information to Richard. MAHALO.
Mon., 8 May 2006
From: Robert Alsted
Address: Danville, CA
Aloha kakahiaki Catherine ...
The Internet is magical and at times frustrating since we have come to rely on it so much.
You are welcome to use my posts ... mahalo for asking.
I am attaching a couple of photos that you are also welcome to use if you have an interest and spot ... both are of my
mother-in-law, Rosalie Raposa Krueger
(somewhere Raposa was changed from Rapozo) who is the daughter of Manual, son of Jose ...
A point of interest for you is that while Rosalie was born in Kapaa, as you will note, the attached references (what I
am still learning) is either her home
in Hanamaulu or that of her grandfather's - Jose (who the reunion is honoring and was the first of this group to land
in Kaua'i in 1882) ... In the Hanamaulu photo,
Rosalie is on the right at about 8 or 9 and then her b-day photo in Monterey, CA at 90 ... this year she is
93 and still living on her own with not enough time
each day for her activities!
Manual had some cane land either outside of Kapaa (homestead area) or Hanamaulu but fairly sure Jose
lived and grew wine with a Hanamaulu address ...
On our trip in June I am anxious to visit the museum in Lihue to see if they have any updated records as well
as the historical group in Kapaa so I might be able to
get a better understanding on all of this ...
Be well,
Rosalie Raposa, far right, with sister & friend |
Photo: Robert Alsted | Danville, CA |
Rosalie Raposa Krueger of Monterey, CA @ 90. |
Photo: Robert Alsted | Danville, CA |
Webmaster's Note: The photo of the three children above, taken in 1921 or 1922 in front of a home on the slope of Kalepa,
shows Daisy (Theresa) Raposa on the left, and friend May Donolson in the center. With grapes growing and with wine being
made, the Portuguese housing section at Hanama`ulu was called "Punchbowl."
4/4/06 7:33 PM
name: Robert Alsted mailingaddress: Danville, CA comment:
I enjoyed finding and reading through your site ... my
mother-in-law is Rosalie Krueger Rapoza (Rapozo) from Hanama'ulu
and Kapaa, Kaua'i... I have built a web site http://rapozo.photosite.com
for some of the photos she is bringing to this years Rapozo Family
reunion (June) with one being from Manual Rapoza's (Rapozo) home in
Hanama'ulu about 1928 ... please put my name on your mailing list for
any updates to your site and I will try to stop by periodically.
mahalo niu loa and maluhia IMUA! Robert ------------------------------ Thursday,
April 06, 2006 12:11 AM
Dear Robert:
It's a pleasure to hear from you. Mahalo nui loa for letting us
know that
you visited the Hanamaulu Town Celebration website. I hope you visit it
again soon.
Rapozo, of course, is a well-known name on Kauai and throughout Hawaii. I
visited your website last night after I read your message. I applaud you for
the job you have done. Albert Rapozo taught my two younger sisters how
to play the piano. As you must know, he taught generations of young people
how to master the instrument.
Best wishes for a grand and happy family reunion.
Maluhia, Catherine Lo Historian/Webmaster Hanamaulu Town Celebration
A very dear college friend and her husband live in Danville. Are you a
"native" of Danville, or a transplant from elsewhere, like Hawaii? You must
have some Hawaiian background to know IMUA and MALUHIA.
----------------------------------- 4/6/06
11:21 AM
aloha 'auinala Catherine,
Nice to hear back from you ...
No, we are not native to Danville ... but close if you know the area ... I
grew up 12 miles to the north in Walnut Creek and my wife, 12 miles to the
west in San Leandro ... so we chose middle ground.
Before I die I hope that Hawaiian is my second language - too late for it to
be my first language! At this point in time I am only able to "pepper"
conversations ... I began with Imua about 30 years ago and it remains my
favorite word - in any language!
I was very lucky to have married into a Portuguese-Hawaiian family and even
though we are mainland based we do seek out Aloha festivals for culture and
eats; with Poi and Malasada's being of special value (NOT together!).
I have your site bookmarked and look forward to staying in touch. Kaua`i
is by far our favorite spot on earth (I periodically remind my mother-in-law
that she did not carve us out a lot in Hanalei before she left - as it was
1930), my wife Rosanna learned how to surf at Wailua beach when she was
young and loves Hanalei beach while I favor either Lydgate Park or Anini.
After the reunion in June we will be on Kaua`i for a few days and will be
at the old Japanese restaurant (HANAMAULU CAFE??? if I recall correctly) at
least once so we will toast some saki (these days probably ice tea) to you.
Be well aloha nui loa
Robert (or Lopaka for my headstone) ***********************************************
on 3/7/06 6:15 AM,
name: Jeniffer
comment: A great site where one can enjoy the thought of a great mind long departed. Cheers for the good work!
March 7
Dear Jeniffer:
Thank you for your encouraging comment. We appreciate your taking time to sign the guestbook. We hope you visit again
soon and often.
Cheers and Blessings,
Catherine Lo
Poetry Website: www.htcelebration.org./poemswithoutborders
on 3/6/06 10:32 AM
name: Liza
comment: Your site is the best. I love your humour, layout, design and everything!
March 7
Aloha, Liza:
Thank you for taking time to sign the guestbook. We appreciate your kind comments. We also seek suggestions, so if you
have any, please let us know. We hope you will visit the website again soon and often.
Cheers and Blessings,
Catherine Lo
Poetry Website: http[://www.htcelebration.org/poemswithoutborders
Name: Eugene Bustillos
Address: Silver City, New Mexico
Comment: Intrigued
Dear Eugene:
It's good to hear from you again. You signed the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration Guestbook on September 18, 2004, and yours
was one of the first entries so the entry is at the bottom of the guestbook page. I see you have moved from North Hollywood.
What in the website intrigues you?
I hope you visit the site again soon.
Catherine Lo,
Date: Thursday, January 6, 2005 11:59 AM
Subject: A new entry in your guestbook #101893
Name: Wayne Jerves
City: Saratoga, CA
Homepage URL: 'www.moorheadfamily.com'
'My daughter put my name in a Google search and up came this site! So we have all been excited reading the pages. I hope
to see more from people I remember. I enjoyed reading Jeff Agad[e]r's story. It brought back many memories -like the lane
from our ho[u]ses to the main road, playing kick-tin in the service road behind our house, cokes at Hanamaulu Cafe, on and
on. I married a native Californian (34 years now), and have 3 daughters. Worked for IBM after getting my degree. I'm on the
Board of Trustees at the U. of San Francisco. I have so many memories I'd like to share - I'll e-mail them instead of taking
up all this space! We all go to Kauai very often!'
Date: Thursday, January 6, 2005 11:16 PM
Subject: Thank you for signing the guestbook
Dear Wayne:
Your entry in the guestbook is very refreshing. Thank you for taking the time to tell us of your visit to the website.
And do share your memories of Hanama`ulu; I'd be glad to post your piece or pieces. We hope you and your family will visit
www.htcelebration.org/ often. And tell your friends with Kauai/Hawaii connections about the website.
Catherine Lo
Website Builder
12/19/05 11:25 PM
name: Federico Agnir
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
comment: Congratulations to the organizers of the celebration. I am very impressed with the breadth and depth of the coverage.
I commend you all especially my dear friend and high school classmate Catherine Lo (historian and webmaster) and her huband
Karl (official photographer) who poured their heart and soul into the project, along with everybody else.
12/19/05 9:17 AM
name: Teresita A. Sotelo
Honolulu, HI 96817
comment: Very impressive and nice job. I enjoyed reading your website. This reminds me of my grandfather (Felipe Agpaoa)
who came to Kauai in 1927. Although I never saw him personally, he was a great grandfather to me because he brought us to
Hawaii to have a better life. He is always remembered and visited whenever we come to Kauai. He lived in Mana and worked
for Kekaha Sugar Plantation. He passed away when he was 74 years of age, after my father and my aunt came to join and live
with him but they were unsuccessful to get his passion and care, so they moved to Hanamaulu to live with my other aunt who
had an extra room in the back of their house.
My father (Maximo Agpaoa) started to petition his family in 1974, when my mother and one of my older sisters came and
they worked for Lihue Plantation until it closed. My two younger brothers and I came next in 1975, then my other older sister
and the youngest sister came in 1976. We miss our grandfather so much but we always give him thanks and praises for what
we are right now. Because of him we were able to come to Hawaii and have a better life for our next generations to come.
Teresita Agpaoa Sotelo
11/24/05 7:12 AM
name: Cynthia Soto (Canales)
Ontario, CA 91761
comment: Hi,
I was born on Kauai, but raised on Oahu, but now live on the mainland in California. I am enjoying reading the information
on your website. Brings back whatever memories I had living on the plantation as a little girl.
My parents are Regino & Buena Canales (mom's maiden name, Cabinatan), my dad passing away in 1983. My mom lives on
Oahu, and I'm sure she doesn't know much what's going on in Kauai (I think).
I see one of my cousin's message here. I sure would love to have her contact me (Ruth [Claridad] Barcenilla).
Blessings and much work went into your lovely website...I truly appreciate all the information here of the people and
plantation life.
Cynthia (Canales) Soto
Nov. 25, 2005
Dear Cynthia:
It's a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you for taking time to sign the website guestbook. And thank you for your appreciative
comments. I hope you visit the website often. Please tell me how you happen to find the site.
I forwarded your e-mail to Ruth. I hope you will hear from her soon. It was a pleasure meeting either Ruth or Barbara
at the celebration. I know I did not meet both of them.
Best wishes for a Joyous Christmas Season.
Cheers and Blessings,
Catherine Lo
Historian and Webmaster
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration

"Hanama`ulu Talk Story," a documentary by Kaua`i Historical Society on the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration, was aired
over Ho'ike Kaua`i Community Television on Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 24 & 25, and on Wednesday & Thursday, Sept.
28 & 29.
Produced by Judith Thomson of Jet Star Productions, the documentary is 58:12-minute long. It included the end of the
parade, including a couple of the Grand Marshal convertibles as they approached Peter Rayno Park, the program at the Saturday
Evening Gathering and talk story by William Neil Rapozo, Adele Goias Badoyen, Carol Macadangdang Trokey, and Catherine Pascual
Lo. Also included are photos and clippings from the historical display, and photos of the Whiz Kids of Hanama`ulu from the
souvenir booklet.
9/19/05 8:42 AM
name: Oscar Gervacio
comment: Do you guys perform at parties?
Aloha, Oscar:
Thank you for taking time to sign the guestbook. We are flattered by your question. What kind of performance are we
talking about? And which town or city do you call "home"?
Catherine Lo, Webmaster
Hanama`ulu Town Celebration
name: Carol Macadangdang Trokey
Antioch, CA
comment: The Hanamaulu Town Celebration was FANTASTIC!!!! Mike and I were there on both days and enjoyed all the festivities,
good food, and best of all good friends.
Our thank you goes to all of you for putting on an "A+" celebration. All your hard work was well worth it
and it was enjoyable to see the smiles on the grand marshals' faces as they were honored in the parade.
Thank you again for a beautiful and wonderful celebration.
We enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures that were on the historical table. "What a great great Collection"!
The committee members have put in countless hours and there's not enough words to express the appreciation for all the hard
work. Just watching all the smiles and listening to all the reminiscing was so enjoyable...we're so proud to be part of Hanamaulu's

Comments on the orange Guestbook
by relatives and friends
who were at the celebration:
Excellent celebration! -- George & Leimomi (Morikawa) Cummings, Anahola
I ... SALUTE the organizers/committee for your creativity, hardwork, dedication ... Mahalo to all of you. Make it every
year to renew, rebuild friendship. -- Aida Pascual, Lihue
Fantastic job on everything . -- Rose Carvalho, Lihue
A magnificent event! Mahalo to organizers. -- JoAnn Yukimura, Kilauea
Job very well done .....hats off to the Hanamaulu Ohana. -- Stanley & Connie Amorin, Lihue
Great job! We love it! -- Clay & Doreen Carvalho
Wonderful; thank you for the work! -- Abelina Madrid Shaw, [Honolulu]
Great Day! -- Marsha Ray, San Anselmo, CA
Wonderful to be a part of history! -- Rose Shadduck, San Anselmo, CA
Aloha, Hanamaulu, & Happy Memories! -- Dennis Lo, [Kalaheo]
Thank you for a wonderful sharing of Hanamaulu! -- Grace Takabayashi, [Omao]
Great Job. Good Memories. -- Jose A. Madrid, Hanamaulu
Whiz Kid #25. -- Pat Ramelb, [Hanamaulu]

8/5/05 9:56 AM
from Juanita Caspillo (nee:Alimboyoguen)
Love u,
Aug. 7, 2005
Dear Nita:
You are kind to take time to write ... and with such aloha and generosity of spirit. Thank you very much. Your message
came the day after the committee met, so I am forwarding it to committee members whose e-mail addresses are in our directory.
I know they will appreciate reading your message.
We love you, too!
Cheers and blessings,
Thu, 21 Jul 2005 22:08
7/12/05 5:34 PM
name: Gilda M. Laforga-Graham
Suisun City, CA 94585
no.attending on July16: 4
no.attending on July17: 4
comment: I'll be attending with my Mom and 2 Aunts. Connie (Macaraeg) Laforga of Suisun City, CA; Neives (Macaraeg) Malbog
of Lihue, Kauai; and Mercy (Macaraeg) Calvan of Moanaloa Valley, Oahu. My Auntie Loling (Macaraeg) Sabugo of San Francisco,
CA will not be attending.
Mom has really been looking forward to attending this celebration since hearing about it and is excited about seeing everyone
she knew back in the days.
C-ya there!!
Tue, 12 Jul 2005 22:45:08
Dear Gilda:
Thank you for taking time to sign the guestbook/registration. With the celebration just a few days away, the excitement
is getting contagious. Visit us at the historical booth under the Big Tent. It would be a pleasure to meet you and your
Mom and two aunts. Saturday evening is talk story time. Would you and your Mom and aunts like to share your fond -- and
not so fond -- memories of Hanama`ulu?
Until the weekend ....
Catherine Lo
7/11/05 4:43 PM
name: Yolanda Tabura Cabinatan
July 9, 2005
name: Mila (Javellana) Gutierrez
Antioch, CA 94531
no. attending on July16: 2
no.attending on July17: 2
comment: My sister (Dell) and I will attend this meeting in support of our NT and Uncle (Virgie and Tono Duterte). We
look forward to this exciting and special celebration for them and your town. We, too, spent many summers there in Kauai
when we were growing up (from Honolulu). We also want to order some t-shirts (S, L and XL - one each) and 2 booklets. We'll
pick them up at the event. NT/Uncle - Make room for two more!!
7/8/05 6:29 PM
name: susie gusman
6/29/05 10:46 PM
name: Cecilia Duterte Alfeche Wood
Ewa Beach, Hi 96706
no.attending onJuly16: 1
no.attending onJuly17: 1
comment: Can't miss not coming to see this one in a life time celebration. Remembering happy hanamaula hana-butta summer
days with my grandparents
Ceriaco & Monica Duterte. Their four children: Cornelia Duterte Alfeche (my mom), Pedro Duterte (Uncle Pete), Apolinaria
Castillo(Aunty Naring), Uncle Tono (Florentino). Enjoyed summertimes with Juanita, Aileen, Ronnie, Gloria, Rusty, Vicky, Peter,
& others I can't remember their names. This is such an informational website of Hanamaulu. Looking forward to being there...
P.S. Uncle Tono get my space ready.
6/29/05 6:27 PM
name: Gabriel "Gabe" O. Gandia Sr.
mailingaddress: Vancouver, WA
no.attending onJ uly16:
no.attending on July17:
comment: Best wishes and a very successful celebration. It was a great feeling reading about this great undertaking. It
is a great thing that all who are part of organizing and executing the upcoming celebration. I salute you for your commitment
and tireless work. It was wonderful getting this website from my cousin, Dukie, aka Dominic Garcia. He told me about the "living
treasures" in the midst of Hanama'ulu. Oh how blessed we are having these "treasures" as "grown-ups".
But in the "hanna-butta days" they were just "Aunty and Uncle" I guess living away from Hanama'ulu, I
just did't realize [how] near or close we still are. An example, my oldest son Gabe Jr. (GJ) while attending Washington State
University at Pullman was wearing a Kauai High School windbreaker and was approached by a young man (YM)."You from Kauai?"
GJ-"No, my dad is,from Hanama'ulu, Laukona Street." YM-"Me too! What's your dad's last name?" GJ-"Gandia.
What's yours?" YM-"Semana." GJ-"He used to live in the sixth one! the left/the second street light as
you enter Laukona."
Tue, 05 Jul 2005
Dear Gabriel:
Thank you for signing the Guestbook/Registration. And we appreciate your kind comments on the celebration and on the
celebration committee. Too bad you will not be in attendance. You would be a good candidate to call on to talk story at
the Saturday evening gathering. Please thank your cousin Dominic Garcia for us for letting you know about the website. We
hope he will be at the talk story session; maybe he will want to talk story.
Cheers and blessings,
Catherine Lo
Website Builder
March 26, 2005
Name: William N. Rapozo
City: Lihue, Hawaii
Comments: To all the folks and people who are working very hard to make this reunion a success. To the people who are
donating funds to make this
happen. I am proud to be part of this celebration. Born and raised in Hanamaulu and still live here. Thanks. Wm. Neil
March 6, 2005
first_name: Milton
last_name: Agader
location: Waialua, Oahu, HI
attendance July 16: 1 for sure; wife maybe
attendance July 17: same
comments: Thank you for doing this. Looking forward to July.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Name: Ruth Barcenilla (Claridad)
City: 'Torrance, CA
Comments: My sister, Barbara and I attended Hanamaulu School for a short time. At that time we lived with our grandparents,
Cabinatan. My maiden name is Claridad. My parents, Fred and Vicky Claridad, lived in Kauai for a number of years before moving
to OAHU. My mother, Vicky, attended and graduated from Hanamaulu School. She is disappointed because she will not be able
to attend the reunion. She and her husband will be on vacation and tour at that time. My sister and are both planning to
attend the reunion. I'm real excited since I have been living in California since 1964 and have only been back to visit Kauai
once...last year, 1994 and was only there one day to attend my aunt's funeral, so did not see much. Love your website...so
much information. See you there...Ruth Barcenilla (Claridad) Torrance, CA
March 22, 2005
Name: Ruth Claridad Barcenilla
Comments: Thank you for confirming my signing of the guest book and registration. My mom had mentioned that Hanamaulu
was having a reunion and I should go to it. She did not have the details but asked that I contact my aunt (her sister) to
see if she had the details. So I e-mailed my aunt. She responded with your website address. I then got on it and got all
the info.
Since my mom will not be able to attend the reunion, I printed all of the info off of your website and will be sending
it to her to read. My mom will probably recognize the names since she and my aunt were born and raised in Hanamaulu and
lived most of their lives around Kauai. My mom and aunt's maiden name was "Cabinatan". I also have cousins that
lived in Hanamaulu. Their maiden name was "Refamonte." Hope to see them at the reunion too.
Look forward to seeing you at the reuniion.
Ruth Barcenilla (Claridad)
February 27, 2005
Name: Juanita Alimboyoguen Caspillo
City: Fremont, Ca
Comments: Keep up the great work. We are looking forward to this exciting reunion in July. Eddy, thanks for mailing
the headsup bulletin.
January 6, 2005
Name: Wayne Jerves
City: Saratoga, CA
Comments: My daughter put my name in a Google search and up came this site! So we have all been excited reading the pages.
I hope to see more from people I remember. I enjoyed reading Jeff Agadir's story. It brought back many memories - like the
lane from our houses to the main road, playing kick-tin in the service road behind our house, cokes at Hanamaulu Cafe, on
and on. I married a native Californian (34 years now), and have 3 daughters. Worked for IBM after getting my degree. I'm on
the Board of Trustees at the U. of San Francisco. I have so many memories I'd like to share - I'll e-mail them instead of
taking up all this space! We all go to Kauai very often!
From: Eleanor Ibia
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005
Subject: Wayne Jerves
I just opened the guestbook and saw Wayne Jerves' name and his letter. If he writes to you again, tell him that
Lyn lives in Millbrae. They are classmates and he used to come to church [i.e. Lihue Lutheran
Church] for the Friday Teen Town activities along with Timmy Albao, Joey and Dick Vierra. Wayne , Joey and Dick are Catholics,
but they enjoyed coming to church for Teen Town. I didn't realize he moved to Saratoga. His family moved to Hayward (
where the Portuguese coming from Hawaii in the 1950s settled) when he was in high school...like his sophmore year.
Sept. 17, 2004 |
Bouquet beaming from neighbors' plumeria |
Sat. 20 Nov. 2004
first name: Pat & Pauline A.
last name: Viernes
location: Hanamaulu, Wiliko I
attendance July 16: 3
attendance July 17: 3
September 14, 2004
Name: Jeff Agader
City: Mililani Mauka
Homepage URL: http://www.opihi.com/cyberwave/
Comments: Great site! Hanamaulu will always be "home." Happy memories of playing on the dirt roads, canefields,
at the park, and Kalepa...of camping at Hanamualu Beach, hitch-hiking to Lihue for Saturday matinees, picking mangos, eating
plums soaked in jars of vinegar, fishing in the reservoir behind Kalepa...and of the annual Christmas Play at the school!
And of Peter Adolfo playing his ukelele, and "sign-speaking" with Michael Rapozo. And who can forget the good neighbors
who lived along the dirt road behind the gas station.
August 19, 2004
name: Darlene Saclot Nazarino
location: Waipahu, Hawaii
comments: Wonderful to have your website. Great Job. I had my childhood in New Hanamaulu in the 60's. Mahalo
August 10, 2004
name: dely sasaki
location: lihue, kauai
comments: Congratulations. Excellent job. Keep up the good work.
Mon., August 2, 2004
name: Elaine Ragsac Quibelan
comments: Note: My father-in-law, Ramon Quibelan, worked at the little barbershop as a young man back in ~1920s. He was
married in the little church down the hill and they lived in the bungalow back of the barbershop. Many of our relatives lived
there as young teenagers then moved to California. We will be there in Kauai in 2005 for a Ragsac Reunion and hopefully in
time for the 2005 celebration.
Aloha....Elaine Ragsac Quibelan
July 30, 2004
name: Diane Jager
comments: Enjoyed the website and the poetry.
It was very easy to access.
July 30, 2004
first name: Lee Ann
last name: Peneyra
location: San Francisco, Calif.
comments: Hello! I found this site by accident, but my grandparents on my mother's side met and married in Hanama'ulu
town on Kauai around the early 1910-1920s. My grandpa was Raymond Quibelan from Bacarra, Philippines; my grandmother's name
was Mary Diaga Macadangdang from Bacarra also. I believe grandpa worked as a plantation policeman among other things. My
grandma was young and taking care of her nieces and nephews. This is exciting to find out about this little town and possibly
finding out a little more about my grandparents, who have long since passed away. Please put me on your email list~ thankyou!
--Lee Ann
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
name: Stacie Morris
location: London, England
comment: Looks great, Auntie.
September 29, 2004
From: Ellie Ibia
Location: San Jose, CA
Comments: Keep up the good work on this website. As Jeff Agader expressed it in his letter, Hanamauulu is always "Home"
to many of us, with those carefree days while we were growing. What wonderful memories!
September 18, 2004
Name: Eugene Bustillos
City: North Hollywood, CA
Comments: After reading through this site...I really miss my town. I miss walking to Hanamaulu store with my mom to buy
a Hershey bar. She wore her "cat-eye" glasses with the chain.
August 24, 2004
name: Rocky & Dely Sasaki
location: Lihue, HI. 96766
comments: Catherine, you're doing a great job of maintaining the Web for HT Celebration. Keep up your good work.
At a birthday picnic on Saturday, August 16, 2003 |
Alas, the stream is polluted and the children could not join the duck at play!!! |
Drying up after the swim at Hanama`ulu Stream |
At Hanama`ulu Beach near the big pavilion | Photos: Karl Lo |
Tue, 16 Aug 2005
name: Ellie and Ray Ibia
San Jose, CA
comment: What a celebration! Thank you for all the work done by the various committees as well as by the volunteers who
helped out during the celebration. I am still amazed how you fed 750 people at the hekka dinner on Saturday night!! Pauline,
Remy, Karen, Charlene, Eddie....thanks for letting me help at the serving line. I saw many family friends!
Mahalo -- Ellie ... and Ray, too
Sun, 24 Jul 2005
name: linda sciaroni
kauai children's discovery museum
comment: Thank you so much for a wonderful weekend. My kids, in the malama ho'opili watershed study, had a great two
days and have a much better sense of the history of the bay we are studying.
7/16/05 8:04 PM
name: Tina Therese Higashi Rapozo
Hanamaulu, HI. 96715-0093
No. attending on July 16: 10
No.attending on July 17: 11
comment: I consider myself very blessed to have been born and raised in Hanamaulu. All of my family and relatives lived
here... and now, my children also make this town their home. This is an excellent idea
to promote the good old feeling of Hanamaulu w/ gathering together, old timers, current residents, and all of our keiki.
:o) God bless always... & see y'all next year, 'kay?!
July 19, 2005
Dear Tina:
Thank you for taking time to sign the guestbook/registration. Many echo your thoughts about Hanama`ulu. Let's hope and
pray that the warm feeling from the celebration permeates the town and leads to a lasting community spirit.
I hope you will visit the web site often.
Cheers and blessings,
Catherine Lo
Thu, 14 Jul 2005
name: Emily Gandia Fabro
Lihue, HI 96766
comment: Great job everyone! My sisters Pam and Gay Ann will be there for sure on Saturday. Hope to renew old friendships
and make new ones as well. Remember the vegetable truck & Frank Silva's famous "AKULE" yell?
July 14, 2005 - 9:30 PM
Dear Emily:
Since you did not include your e-mail address, I have to make my response to your message on this page and hope you see
it. Stop by at the historical display booth under the Big Tent, and let us hear that "AKULE" yell! Would you and
your sisters Pam and Gay like to talk story? Come to the Saturday night gathering. Hope to see you at the celebration.
Aloha -- Catherine Lo
Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:24:54
name: Stephen Sato
La Palma, CA 90623
comment: What a "SUPER" website to visit! Although I grew up in a neighboring town, I do recall our frequent
visits to Hanamaulu. I particularly cherish many fond memories of the wonderful people that I met during my "formative"
years on Kauai.
To all of you who have worked so tirelessly and with such commitment and dedication,... "WELL DONE!!"
Wishing you the best for a most successful celebration.
6/27/05 4:43 AM
Carol Macadangdang Trokey
Antioch, CA 94531
Kauai is still "home" to me and Mike also embraces the love for Kauai. ... This celebration is important to
me as the foundation of my youth was influenced by my precious surroundings of all the relatives and
friends that came to Hawaii to work in the cane fields. It was fun living in the camps and the older people all kept
us in line. We gained so much from the multi-cultural environment and made us so much richer. Here on the mailand they are
pushing diversity and all along in Hawaii during our growing up years, we were so advanced and experienced diversity from
birth. Aren't we so lucky?
As soon as we heard about the celebration, we were definite that we would be attending and supporting this wonderful event.
Look forward to seeing all of you again.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:15 PM
To: Carol Trokey
Thank you for signing the guestbook/registration. Stop by at the Historical Booth under the Big Tent at the celebration;
it would be a pleasure to meet you and your husband Mike. Speaking of Talk Story, would you like to share your memories of
your graduation from Hanama`ulu School? ...
Catherine Lo
Website Builder
6/22/05 6:55 AM
Adele Goias Badoyen will also be there so maybe she and I and maybe we can get Alfred Domingsel (we're all 1962 Hanamaulu
school graduates) can share
our Hanamaulu School experience. I hope Mrs. Bales or Mr. Currameng will be there too; they were my favorite teachers.
We were all good with the multiplication tables because Mrs. Bales would slap our hands with a ruler if we could not recite
the multiplication tables so we made sure we learned them well. I think Mrs. Wedemeyer is now gone but she too was great;
she was the principal and also the 7th and 8th grade teacher.
You all have done a splendid job.
Sept. 20 2004 |
Red anthurium in Maxine Pascual's garden |
6/23/05 4:40 AM
name: Myles Saulibio
email: Myles.Saulibio@us.army.mil
mailingaddress: KBR Services
APO AE 09354
comment: Greetings to all from lovely Afghanistan.
Wow- sounds like a great celebration and wish all the best. Hope to come "home" in March 2006 and look forward
to all the changes.
Great Job-
June 23, 2005
Dear Miles:
Thank you for taking time to sign the Guestbook/Registration. And MAHLO NUI LOA for serving this great country of ours.
We are grateful for all you and our troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world are doing to safeguard the freedom
we as American citizens are privileged to enjoy. And we rejoice that with your service countries like Afghanistan and Iraq,
too, can begin to experience the blessings of democracy and the freedom that comes with democratic principles and ideals.
The road is long and dangerous, and we admire the bravery of our troops, who are in the thoughts and prayers of thankful
We pray for your safe return home in March 2006. In the meantime, continue to check the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration website,
which we hope brings Kauai and Hawaii closer to you.
Catherine Lo
Tue, 21 Jun 2005
name: Carol Macadangdang Trokey
Antioch, CA 94531
no.attending on July16: 2
no.attending on July17: 2
comment: My husband Mike and I are looking forward to the reunion. I grew up in Kapaia next to the Domingsels. My parents
are Julian (now living in Hanamaulu) and Josephine Macadangdang (deceased). We look forward to the "Talk Story"
part as many of the older generation have so much history to share. We were blessed to have so many cultures blended together
who shared precious camaraderie. Thank you all for putting this great gathering together and all the hard work that has gone
into this wonderful celebration. We could not miss this "SPECIAL" event to hear the stories, reunite with old friends,
and do lots of reminiscing. I was a graduate of Hanamaulu School in 1962, we had 13 graduates. I have been away for 33 years
but I still call Hanamaulu "HOME."
on 6/13/05 4:19 AM
name: stephen louis
location: knoxville, tn
attendingonJuly16: x
attendingonJuly17: x
comment: wish i could attend this celebration. my parents were albert & ida louis who lived in hanamaulu on laukona
st. My brother albert lives in kapaa. so aloha from tennessee. ENJOY.
Sunday, June 12, 2005 7:32 PM
name: Roland De Los Reyes
location: Shalimar, FL.
attending on July16: 0
attending on July17: 0
comment: I guess I'm part of the past. As you know my family is the De Los Reyes, my grandfather is Pantaleon and my dad
is Felipe (Hi dad) and uncle Eugenio and Simin. I miss down the park (Hanama'ulu) after school. Whatever the sport is, we
played. Also going fishing, crabbing, and swimming in Hanama'ulu Beach. It's great what you folks are doing. Wish I could
be there to celebrate that special day with you all. I know you all will have a great time and a great success. Aloha to all......
on 6/11/05 12:02 PM
name: Dominic L. Garcia
location: Aiea, Hi
attendingonJuly16: 2
attendingonJuly17: 2
comment: Eddie, we got the packet from suzie. we will be in hanamaulu for Celebration. Thank You and mahalo Dukie. "Hanamaulu
No Ka Oi"
June 6, 2005
name: Dely Sasaki
location: Lihue, HI
attendingonJuly16: 5
attendingonJuly17: 5
comment: I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Historical Review and the rich history as recorded on your website. What an
enormous task you have done and I know, you will continue to do. Your effort has the makings of a great book that needs to
be published - and soon! Thanks for enriching my life and others; I have a new and greater appreciation of the incredible
legacy left behind by faithful and hardworking men and women of the past. Hanama`ulu deserves great honor for its role in
Kaua`i's history.
Sun., 15 May 2005
name: Sherman Laka Inanod
location: Waipahu HI 96797
no. attending on July16: 2
no. attending on July17: 2
comments: This is good to know that Hanamaulu is doing something. I am the the grandson of Elizabeth K Kane and Herman
Kane Sr. my mother is Momi. I grew up in the same house as the rest of my family down in the last house right after the old
Hanamaulu sugar cane bridge right before the beach. if you don't know what i'm talking about then you might not be from hanamaulu.
hope to see everyone make it. aloha
Sunday, May 8, 2005 9:22 AM
name: Mila Gutierrez
email: milapete@comcast.net
location: Antioch, CA
no. attending on July 16:
no.attending on July 17:
comments: No plans at this time but would like to attend.
April 24, 2005
location: LIHUE, HI
no. attending on July 16: 4
no. attending on July 17: 4
comments: I would like to include my mother, Isabella M. Ramelb, in the PARADE honoring the "over the 80 gang."
Please contact me as to what she needs to do on Saturday.
Mahalo, Angie R.Green
April 15, 2005
Name: Adele Goias Badoyen
City: San Jose, CA
Comments: We are looking forward to the Hanamaulu celebration. I am proud to be a Hanamaulu native and am excited about
the whole event!!
April 15, 2005
Name: Ellie Ibia
City: San Jose, Calif.
Comments: I like the new addition you just posted...lots of history and information.
April 9, 2005
Name: Steven Hironaka
City: Kalaheo, Kauai
Comments: This website is very informative and nicely presented. If the Committee is looking for a t-shirt vendor to
provide the shirts, please email me. We can provide you any information you need for the shirts.
Saturday, April 9, 2005
From: info@htcelebration.org
To: Steven Hironaka
Dear Steven Hironaka:
Thank you for your kind comment on the web site.
As to t-shirts, we appreciate your offer to provide us with information. However, the T-Shirt/Polo Shirt Committee already
selected a vendor.
As web builder, I am always interested in how Internet users find our web site. Please tell me how you came upon it.
Aloha and Mahalo,
Catherine Lo
April 8, 2005
first name: Ray and Ellie
last name: Ibia
location: San Jose, California
attendance July 16: 2
attendance July 17: 2
comments: We'll be there, ready for my mother's ride on the '48 Chevy coupe!!

August 23, 2004
name: Gerald Toki
location: Glendale, Arizona
comments: Aloha to all Hanamaulu residence, old as well as new.!! I remember training Escrima in the old Hanamaulu School
in the late 60's. What a great
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
From: info@htcelebration.org
Hello, Gerald!
Peace from Poipu! Sunshine from Kauai's South Shore!
I am glad you found the Hanama`ulu Town Celebration website! How did you happen to find it? I will be adding a new
page to the web site: THE HANAMA`ULU EXPERIENCE: CONNECTIONS. Visit the website again soon.
Did you grow up in Hanama`ulu? I have a nephew who lives in Peoria with his family. If you are from Hanama`ulu, you
may know Edward Rasay.
Thank you for signing the website guestbook.
Catherine Lo
August 24, 2004
Name: Gerald Toki
Comments: Aloha, Catherine,
I was happy to have the Hanamaulu Celebration Website from my friend from Carson City, NV, Linda Relacion, who went to
the same Hanabata days school in Ewa. She used to live here in Phoenix. We stay in touch through email. I think she have relatives
there in Hanamaulu.
I was born in Waialua, Oahu and raised in Ewa. Then moved to Kauai in the early 60's, graduated Kapaa High. I know the
Bakianos, Willie Sasil, Angel Madrid and then some.
Edward Rasay and I are close friends here. Peoria is right next to Glendale. I went to their anniversary party this past
Saturday. Edward, Bryson & Briana was students of mine in the Filipino Martial Arts school I have here.
What is your maiden name?
Thank you for responding to my email. I miss Kauai.!
Love & Aloha,
Gerald Toki

Photos : Karl Lo

O. Box 206 Hanama`ulu, HI 96715
Webmaster: Catherine Pascual
Lo Copyright 2004-2018. Poipu
Web Designs. All Rights Reserved. No part
of this Website may be reproduced in any form without
written permission of the Webmaster.
Website: http://www.htcelebration.org
To access HNA Website: CLICK the link below.