HANAMA`ULU SCHOOL closed in June 1963, and when the new school opened in September 1990 with 280 K-2 children from Hanama`ulu,
Wailua, and Lihue, the students entered the portals of King Kaumuali`i Elementary School.
NOSTALGIC HANAMA`ULU RESIDENTS wanted the name of the old school retained, but Kauai's beloved king won the debate. It
was time to call attention to King Kaumuali`i` (1779-1824), Wailua's favorite and legendary son. He was one of the first
of the Hawaiian rulers to embrace and to promote Christianity, and one of the first of the nobility to learn to read and write
When the theme of the celebration: "Remembering the Past ... Celebrating the Present ... Embracing the Future ...
" first appeared on the written page, "embracing the future" brought to mind the children ... the students
at King Kaumuali`i School ... the future of Hanama`ulu Town ... the future of Kaua`i. And so this page of the website focuses
on "King K" -- as the school is fondly called.
King K's School Song ("He Mele No Kaumuali`i") is written in Hawaiian. Lifted and copied below are English
translation of some lines that reflect the sentiments on this page.
Kaumuali`i, Kaumuali`i
Famous are his children
Oh, flowers/progeny of Kaumuali`i
Adorn the field/school
Work together with love
The flowers will always live on.
King K Elementary School opened in Sept. 1990 |
Margaret (Maggie) Cox, Principal |
Entrance to classrooms, library, and computer room |
Enrollment 2004-2005: 560, K-5; 25 teachers |
June 1, 2005 |
Karen Liu, Principal; Michelle Valenciano, Librarian |
The Drug-free Zone sign at King K. |
Weather-beaten and the message is clear. |