To keep members and others updated on the latest happenings
in the Hanama`ulu Community Association, we will post specific meeting announcements, agendas and minutes on this page.
2013 Schedule of Thursday
Place: King Kaumuali'i School Cafeteria Time:
630 PM
29, August 15, October 17
December 14: Christmas Party to be confirmed *
* *
Sign announcing monthly meetings |
Karl Lo Photo | 09.14.09 |
The Hanama`ulu Community Association meets the third Thursday of the month at
King Kaumuali`i School Cafeteria unless announced otherwise Time: 7 PM
* * * A N N O U N C E M E N T
The monthly meeting for Thursday, Nov. 14, 2012, has been rescheduled for Thursday,
Nov. 29. Election
of 2013 officers is on the agenda. Members are encouraged to attend to vote for HCA's
leaders for next year. Place: Kalepa Village Meeting Room Time: 7 PM * * *
* * * October 11, 2012 Meeting Kalepa Villiage Conference Room 7 - 9 pm
Special guests at the HCA October
11, 2012, meeting were members of the Kaua'i County Council. In attendance were Jay Furfaro, council chair; JoAnn Yukimura,
vice-chair; Tim Bynum, Dickie Chang, Kipukai Kuali'i, and Nadine Nakamura. Wanda Shibata, Gov. Neil Abercrombie's Kaua'i liaison,
was also in attendance. Twenty-three association members and two children attended the meeting.
A PowerPoint presentation highlighting the concerns of the
Hanama'ulu Community Association was shown after the chili and rice dinner. The maintenance of Hanama'ulu Beach Park,
control and elimination of drug dealing and drug use at the park, stopping graffiti at the park; maintenance of the Kalepa
Filipino and Japanese cemeteries; and the building of a community center in Hanama'ulu were among the topics covered in the
Eddie Sarita, HCA vice-president and the evening's Chile & Rice chef; and Laurie Kelekoma, HCA treasurer, get the buffet table ready.
Jay Furfaro, fourth from let; and Wanda Shibata, eighth from left, visit with HCA members.
Above, Left to Right: Laurie Kelekoma, Hidden unidentified member, John Iwamoto, Jay Furfaro, Masako Iwamoto,
Neil Rapozo, Elli Ward, Pastor Roy Sasaki, Alfonso Garcia.
Father Mel Ray Uy paints over the bold
graffiti on a pillar of the Kapule Highway Bridge over Hanama'ulu River. Submitted by Florentino "Tono" Duterte, HCA's
sergeant at arms, 2011-2012. Duterte photo.
Hanama'ulu Beach Park Matters: A Followup
The Sunday, October 28, 2012, issue of
The Garden Island, has on page A7, column 1-3, an article by Tom LaVenture with the heading "Hanama'ulu Beach
Park dominates Police Commission meeting." LaVenture's lengthy article states: "County Council Chair Jay Furfaro
addressed the Commission on Loss Prevention and Public Safety Issues for Hanama'ulu Beach Park." He indirectly quotes
Furfaro as saying "this tight-knit community took it upon themselves two years ago to repaint and repair beach pavilion damage
and make other improvements." He quotes him directly as saying, "Quickly thereafter it was vandalized and quite badly." ...
"The steps were removed, and the graffiti is all over the new painting."
LaVenture also writes: "Residents complained of the
homeless camping, and of all night drinking and activities that are even keeping the anglers away. Furfaro produces
a draft bill for a no drinking policy from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., and said it would give KPD an ordinance to enforce."
There is more to report on this article,
but let's close this followup with a paragraph from LaVenture's article: " 'This is to discourage people from carrying on
to all hours, and is similar to what occurred at Nawiliwili,' Furfaro said."
* * * Hear Ye! Read Ye!
HCA's September 20 meeting will be at Kalepa Village Recreation Center Time: 7 - 9 PM (Posted September 14, 2012)
* * * HCA Meeting, February 16, 2012 King Kaumuali'i School Cafeteria
Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr.
and his cabinet covered present county services and their vision for Kaua'i under the topic Holo Holo 2020. HCA members in attendance learned
among other things about weekend bus service, bus shelters constructed in Kapaa and Hanama'ulu Kalepa Village, and the construction
and completion of Paanau Village Phase II.
Several county staffers were in attendance.
Mayor Carvalho, cabinet & staff on HCA's agenda |
February 16, 2012 |
Standing to be introduced are |
Kaua'i County staffers. |
The good attendance of Hanama'ulu residents, |
some of whom work for the county, is shown here. |
Dale Matsuura, HCA secretary, Mildred Rapozo, and their assistants served pupu and refreshments over which those in attendance
mingled and talked story.
* * *
Thursday, May
17, 2012
King Kaumuali’i Elementary
School Cafeteria
7:00 pm
*Call to Order – Neil Rapozo
*Opening Prayer –
*Minutes – Dale Matsuura
*Treasurer’s Report – Laurie Kelekoma
*Old Business:
1. Holiday Gathering Report – Dely Sasaki
2. Christmas Lighting Contest Report – Cindy Duterte
3. Cemetery Report – Peter Rayno
4. Peter Rayno Park Improvements Report – Peter Rayno
& Clifford Lee
5. Adopt-A-Highway Report – Laraine Moriguchi
6. Report on Hanama’ulu Post Office – Eddie Sarita
for Johnny Rabasa
7. 501 (c) 3 Filing Status – Eddie Sarita
*New Business:
1. Dept. of Public Works-Solid Waste Division - Landfill Community
Meeting– Tuesday May 22
2. Meeting with Mayor – Eddie Sarita
*Closing Prayer –
President: Neil Rapozo @ 651-0103; Vice-President: Eddie Sarita @ 346-0090;
Secretary: Dale Matsuura @ 346-2623; Treasurer: Laurie Kelekoma @ 652-1597;
Sgt.-at-Arms: Tono Duterte @ 346-5047
Community Association
P.O. Box
Kaua’i, HI. 96715
Send us an email
Hanama’ulu Community Association
April 19, 2012 meeting cancelled but officers meet with lawyer to work on HCA's application for tax-exempt, non-profit 501 c (3) status. Watch
for progress and plans. * * *
Meeting for September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 22
7:00 PM
See you there! * * *
AUGUST MEETING REMINDER Friendly reminder to attend the monthly Hanama'ulu Community Association (formerly Hanama'ulu Neighborhood Association) meeting coming up this week Thursday, August 18, 2011, at the King Kaumuali'i School Cafeteria starting at 7:00 P.M.
On the agenda is the Hanama`ulu Post Office, which is on the U. S. Postal Service's list of post offices scheduled for closing. The agenda includes a guest speaker. Hope to see you all there. *
* *
Neil Rapozo @ 651-0103 Eddie Sarita @ 346-0090 Dale Matsuura @ 346-2623 Laurie Kelekoma @ 652-1597 Tono Duterte @ 346-5047
Hanama’ulu Community Association
P.O. Box 206
Hanama’ulu, Kaua’i, HI. 96715
King Kaumuali`i School |
Karl Lo Photo |
Thursday, April
21, 2011
King Kaumuali’i Elementary
School Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Minutes of November 18, 2010
and March 17, 2011 meetings
Secretary’s Report –
Dale Matsuura
Treasurer’s Report –
Laurie Kelekoma
Old Business:
Adopt-A-Highway Clean up Schedule – Laraine
Hanama’ulu Beach Park Clean-up – Photo
and report—Eddie Sarita/Karl & Catherine Lo Photos/Neil Rapozo Photos
County of Kauai Parks & Recreation Dept. - Public
Meeting on County Park Master Plan update on website – Dale Matsuura
Traffic calming measures—Eddie Sarita
New Business:
Upcoming Re-dedication of Hanama’ulu
Peter Rayno Park – Eddie Sarita
Abandoned Cars in neighborhood – Neil Rapozo
Water Sprinkler system – Neil Rapozo
Proposed Revisions to By-Laws – Dale Matsuura
Closing Prayer & Adjournment
Contact: Neil Rapozo @ 651-0103 * Eddie Sarita @ 346-0090 * Dale
Matsuura @ 346-2623 * Laurie Kelekoma @ 652-1597 * Tono Duterte @ 346-5047
Hanama’ulu Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 206
Hanama’ulu, Kaua’i, HI. 96715
Thursday, March
17, 2011
King Kaumuali’i Elementary
School Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Minutes of November 18, 2010
and February 17, 2011 meetings
Secretary’s Report –
Dale Matsuura
Treasurer’s Report –
Laurie Kelekoma
Old Business:
Adopt-A-Highway Clean up Schedule – Laraine
Kuhio Highway “Ditch” Report –
Eddie Sarita
Hanama’ulu Beach Park Clean-up and Re-dedication
– Eddie Sarita
Swap Meet Report – Eddie Sarita
Cemetery Report – Peter Rayno
County of Kauai Parks & Recreation Dept. - Public
Meeting on County Park Master Plan – Dale Matsuura
New Business:
Speeding concern in Hanama’ulu – Eddie
Christmas Light contest preparation – Neil
Closing Prayer
Thursday, March
17, 2011
King Kaumuali’i Elementary
School Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Attendance: Eddie Sarita,,
William Neil & Mildred Rapozo, Florentino Duterte, Juanito Gonzales, Jr., George Freitas, Alfonso Garcia, Pastor Roy “Rocky”
Sasaki, Pastor Larry Matsuwaki, Elli Ward, Cindy Duterte and Dale Matsuura.
Call to Order: Meeting
called to order by President Neil Rapozo at 7:05 pm.
Opening Prayer: by Pastor
Roy “Rocky” Sasaki.
Minutes of November 18, 2010
meeting: None available at this time. Minutes of February 17, 2011 motioned by George Freitas and seconded by
Elli Ward-approved.
Secretary Report: by Dale
Matsuura. Informed those in attendance that there is a total of 38 Registered Members for 2011. Of those 38, 12
was turned in from a mail-out that Eddie Sarita had done earlier.
Treasurer’s Report:
deferred till next meeting.
Old Business:
Adopt-A-Highway February 19,
2011 Clean up Report from Laraine Moriguchi stating she had 8 volunteers: Laraine Moriguchi, Ben Alayvilla, Tono Duterte,
Celia Wood, Eddie Sarita, George Freitas, Mason Moriguchi, & Angel Pegeder. A total of 10 bags was collected.
Announcement made by President
Neil Rapozo on behalf of Laraine Moriguch for the upcoming clean-up. Members urged to attend Saturday, March 19, 2011.
Meet at 8:00 am in the parking lot of Hanama’ulu Café.
Kuhio Highway Ditch: Eddie
reported area between Hanama’ulu Road and last house along Kuhio Highway fronting Rayno Park and King Kaumuali’i
school is in good shape right now. This project has been ongoing from the initial start by Grove Farm in January of
2009 and has been up-kept by volunteers such as Eddie Sarita, Tono Duterte, and Neil Rapozo. County has been providing
spray and it is likely that the HNA members will soon be safely spraying another round of “weed killer”.
Hanama’ulu Beach Clean-up:
Eddie Sarita has been coordinating the clean-up scheduled for April 14-16, 2011 with the County of Kauai Parks & Recreation.
He anticipates at least 50 volunteers from HNA members, Kalepa Sunrise, East Kauai Lions, Lihue Business Assoc., Kauai Board
of Realtors, Hanama’ulu Hillsiders, 2 motor-cycle clubs, drug court, Kaleo Perez and his officers to participate.
Pressure washers, paint and
paint supplies are being provided by the County. A letter has been mailed out to WalMart for their assistance.
Neil Rapozo contacted Mark Sassone from Kauai Beach Hotel for a donation of some sort of dish for lunch for volunteers.
He also spoke to Conrad Diaz to see if Pepsi will donate drinks.
George Freitas mentioned to
ask 7-11 to see if they could donate water.
Cindy Duterte will check with
Laurie Kelekoma if she needs help.
Swap Meet: Eddie Sarita
informed members that the swap meet was a success. He had 20 booths rented. By 10:30 am 50# of malasada was all
sold out. They said that next time they plan to sell 100#. Eddie plans to promote the next swap meet for June
4, 2011 (not May 28 as initially indicated in our newsletter-County asked to move the date) by newspaper, sandwich
boards at intersections, and banners. It was brought to Eddies attention that if the vendors plan to cook on-site, they
need to have a Health Department clearance.
Discussion: on calling
it a “Craft Fair” rather than “Swap Meet” To some people “Craft Fair” means putting
up a large tent and having entertainment and an area for people to actually participate in making some crafts. Also
brought up providing food like hot dogs for visitors to purchase. Further discussion on “what is the purpose of
our association doing a “Craft Fair”?
Cemetery Report: Tono
mentioned need to go weedwack again.
County Parks Master Plan meeting:
Dale Matsuura attended and handed out the same information that was given at the public meeting.
New Business:
Speeding concern: Eddie
Sarita wrote letters 2 years ago to Chief of Police and Chair of Police Commission. Recently he spoke to Kaleo Perez
and was told the new contact would be Trent Shimabukuro at the police department. He mentioned that at 5 pm he hears
vehicles racing up Kapaia hill going at least 50-60 mph. He wanted it on record that he is concerned for the safety
of all travelling in the area. The police have since done electronic survey of the area and he was told they will be
patrolling the area also.
Christmas Light contest:
Neil Rapozo was given folders from previous lighting contest so he could assign a committee to start the process early.
George Freitas mentioned that we should have a sticker of some sort for businesses to post at their windows so everyone knows
that they contribute and support our Neighborhood association.
Kaleo Perez fundraising for
Muscular Dystrophy and is in need of donations to help “get him out of jail”. A donation of $50 from the
HNA to support his cause was brought up and voted on. It was moved by Tono Duterte and seconded by Mildred Rapozo.
Closing Prayer – Pastor
Larry Matsuwaki
Adjournment at 8:10 pm.
Submitted by:
Dale Matsuura, Secretary
Thursday, February
17, 2011
King Kaumuali’i Elementary
School Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Attendance: Eddie Sarita,
Laurie Kelekoma, William Neil & Mildred Rapozo, Florentino Duterte, Ben & Norma Alayvilla, Vic Villon, Juanito Gonzales,
Jr., Catherine & Karl Lo, George Freitas, Angelino Pegeder, Sr., Alfonso Garcia, Pastor Roy “Rocky” Sasaki,
Pastor Larry Matsuwaki, Alice Morikawa, Dale Matsuura.
Call to Order: Meeting
called to order by President Neil Rapozo at 7:00 pm.
Opening Prayer: Pastor
Roy “Rocky” Sasaki gave everyone a moment to contemplate what we want for the Hanama’ulu Neighborhood in
the year 2011 and then proceeded to give a prayer.
Minutes of November 18, 2010
meeting: None available at this time.
Treasurer’s Report:
Laurie Kelekoma informed members of the check book and bank balance totaling $3,130.32. From that total there is $1,060.00
in the Building Fund and $2,070.32 in the General Fund. All Grants have been expended.
Old Business:
a. Swap Meet Schedule: Eddie Sarita informed members that we are
holding our 1st Swap Meet for the year on February 26 at the Peter Rayno Park in Hanama’ulu. Maximum
20 booth spaces available. For the past year we have not kept the $20 deposit. This year the HNA will be collecting
and holding the $20 fee for each 20’x20’ booth to help cover costs involved with Swap Meet such as: advertising
($87 in newspaper), Professional Sound system, and portable toilets.
He mailed out 14 packets. Packets include the Space Reservation
Form, Park & Craft Fair Rules, Site Map, Advertising Plan, and Advertising information.
A flyer was handed out announcing all of the dates of the HNA Swap
Meet for the year 2011.
Question raised:
decided on the amount to collect? It was an executive decision by Officers.
Recommend informing each
vendor verbally (in addition to having it on the application form) that the $20 is not refunded this year.
b. Adopt-A-Highway Clean up Schedule: Report from Laraine Moriguchi stating
she had 7 volunteers at the last Clean-up on January 22, 2011: Laraine Moriguchi, Ben Alayvilla, Tono Duterte, Celia
Wood, Eddie Sarita, William Sarmiento, & Pastor Larry Matsuwaki.
Announcement made by President
Neil Rapozo on behalf of Laraine Moriguch for the upcoming clean-up. Members urged to attend Saturday, February 19,
2011. Meet at 8:00 am in the parking lot of Hanama’ulu Café.
New Business:
Hanama’ulu Beach Park
Clean-up Schedule: Eddie Sarita explained that he is coordinating with Lenny Rapozo and the Department of Parks and Recreation
our upcoming Beach Park Clean-up, (similar to the one in 2008), scheduled for Saturday, April 16 from 7:00 am to 11:00 am.
The County plans to close the park April 11-23. Facility is run down and needs pressure washing, landscape clean-up
and new paint.
Eddie contacted Kauai Drug
Court and they plan to help with pressure washing on Thursday and Friday before the 16th. They also volunteered
to spruce up and clean the area along the beach and the road.
The County will provide the
pressure washers and paint.
The Motorcycle Club will once
again be available to assist.
The County will also be conducting
a press release to recruit volunteers.
Kaleo Perez and his patrol
division will provide manpower also.
Laurie Kelekoma shared her
idea to either plant a tree or dedicate a tree to the memory of long time fisherman Pedro “Pork Chop” Duterte
who passed on unexpectedly. He was a good liason between the HNA, the community of fishermen along with the County in
keeping the gates down at the stream opened or closed at appropriate hours of the day. She’d like to work with
the County of Kauai, Department of Parks and Recreation on getting a commemorative plaque made.
Question raised:
Will there be food made
available for the volunteers that work day?
Suggestion was made to inquire
with the hotel to see if they may be able to provide some sort of snack or meal. Neil Rapozo volunteered to contact
someone at the hotel.
Eddie Sarita encourages all
the HNA members to attend the County of Kauai Parks & Recreation Dept. - Public Meeting on County Park Master Plan,
March 10, 2011 @ Moikeha Bldg Meeting Room 2A & 2B, 6 pm - 8 pm.
This weekend on Saturday, February
19 at 10:00 am the “Hanama’ulu Hillsiders” will be playing in the newly prepared softball field at Peter
Rayno Park.
Closing Prayer – Pastor
Larry Matsuwaki
Adjournment at 8:00 pm.
Submitted by:
Dale Matsuura, Secretary
Approved and accepted March 17, 2011
HNA MEETING: ELECTION OF OFFICERS Thursday, October 21, 2010 King Kaumuali`i School Cafeteria
The attendance of 30+ underscored
the importance of the election of officers for 2011. Elected to lead HNA in the coming year are (Lt. to Rt.) Wm. Neil
Rapozo, president; Eddie Sarita, vice-president; Dale Matsuura, secretary; Laurie Kelekoma, treasurer; Florentino
(Tono) Duterte, sergeant-at-arms.
Offering his blessings and congratulations to the officers
is the Reverend Roy K. Sasaki, an organizing member of Hanama`ulu Town Celebration in 2004, and an active member of Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association.
This article is posted
with best wishes to the officers ... who start their terms of office on January 1, 2011 ... for a productive year for the
Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association. (Posted Nov. 13, 2010. Karl Lo photos)
For the convenience of members and friends, The Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association Website has the By-Laws of HNA
in its entirety on the By-Laws page. * * * * * * *
MEETING: THUMBNAIL NOTES Thursday, September 30, 2010, Kelepa
Village Conference Room
Special Presentation at 7 PM: Kevin Kodama, senior service hydrologist & hurricane forecaster, National Weather Service, Weather Forecast
Office, Central Pacific Hurricane Center in Honolulu, made a one-hour PowerPoint presentation.
Eddie visits with Kevin after presentation. |
Karl Lo Photo |
Mr. Kodama included among other informative and interesting details the what,
why, when, and how of tropical depressions, storms, and hurricanes; hurricanes that directly hit and devastated Kaua`i in
the last 50 years; 40-year tracking history of Central Pacific hurricanes; weather conditions that cause tropical cyclones
and the impacts of cyclones in terms of wind conditions, flash flooding, storm surges, and high surfs.
Mr. Kodama underscored that emergency plans should
include 7-day personal supplies.
M. Marshall, Elli and Pat talk story. |
Karl Lo Photo |
in attendance at Mr. Kodama’s presentation was Mark Marshall, administrator the Kaua`i Civil Defense Agency, who will
be guest speaker of HNA on October 21 at King Kaumuali`i School Cafeteria.
After the Kodama Presentation
Opening Prayer:
The Rev. Roy Sasaki
Financial Report: Wm. Neil Rapozao, treasurer
Next Swap Meet: Saturday, Nov. 13.
More help needed to get vendors (maximum of 20 booths); take care of advertising, portable toilets, sound system, liability
forms, setting up, etc.
Nominations Committee Report:
Elli Ward presented the following slate: President, Peter Rayno; Vice-President, George Frietas & Eddie Sarita;
Secretary, Angel Madrid; Treasurer, Gladys Balaraon; Sgt.-At-Arms, Ernie Domingo & Skip Caycayon.
The President called the members’ attention to
the requirements set in the HNA By-laws. George Frietas is not a resident of Hanama`ulu; Angel Madrid, Gladys Balaraon
& Skip Caycayon are residents but they have not filed for membership and do not attend meetings. With that said,
the President opened the floor for nominations. Nominated were: Wm. Neil Rapozo, President; Dale Matsuura, Secretary;
Laurie Kelekoma, Treasurer; Florentino Duterte, Sgt.-At-Arms. All nominations and motions to close nominations were
duly seconded and carried.
Therefore, the following will be on the ballot for
elections of HNA officers: President: Peter Rayno, Wm. Neil Rapozo; Vice-President, Eddie Sarita; Secretary, Dale Matsuura;
Treasurer, Laurie Kelekoma; Sgt.-At-Arms, Ernie Doming, Florentino Duterte (2nd term).
Secret balloting will be held at the October 21 meeting,
which will be at King Kaumuali`i School Cafeteria. The new officers will start their terms on January 1, 2011.
Ma’alo Road /Proposed Landfill Site:
Kauai County Depts. of Public Works/Solid Waste/New Landfill Site will hold an informational meeting on the Ma`alo
Road site as new landfill on Monday, Oct. 11, 2010 at 7 PM. Place: King Kaumuali`i School Cafeteria. The meeting
is a follow-up to the announcement by Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. on Sept. 10 on the county’s selection of the site for the new
Non-profit/Tax-exempt Status: Jonathan
Chun is working pro bono on HNA’s application for 501 C(3) status,. Completion of the application may take seven
months, after which time HNA can start applying of grants for the desired and envisioned community center.
Angel, Ben, Florentino & Alfonso during the break. |
Karl Lo Photo |
HNA Attendance: The 18 in attendance were Ben Alayvilla, Norma Alayvilla, Carmen G. Balico,
Florentino Duterte, Pacita M. Ganiron, Alfonso Garcia, Laurie Kelekoma, Catherine Lo, Karl Lo, Pat Macadangdang,, Dale Matsuura,
Angel Pageder Sr., Mildred Rapozo, Wm. Neil Rapozo, Eddie Sarita, Roy Sasaki, Charles Spencer & Elli Ward.
Mildred, Carmen, Norma, Pacita (hidden) & Dale. |
Catherine Lo Photo |
Closing Prayer:
The Rev. Roy Sasaki
9:25 PM
(Note: These notes
were written by Catherine Lo for the HNA Website and should not be mistaken as minutes of the Sept. 30 meeting. Posted
HNA Meeting, Thursday,
September 30, 2010
The September meeting of the Hanama`ulu Neighborhood
Association will be held on Thursday, September 30, 2010, from 7 P.M. – 9 P.M. Place: Kalepa Village
Conference Room.
Kevin Kodama, Senior Service Hydrologist, NOAA/NSW
in Honolulu, will be guest speaker. His presentation will be on Hurricane Preparedness and predictions of possible occurrences
of hurricanes in 2011. Members, their families and friends are encouraged to make every effort to attend.
(Posted: Sept. 27, 2010)
September 16, 2010, Meeting
The September
meeting of Hanama`ulu Neighborhood Association was
postponed because the King Kaumuali`i School cafeteria, where the association expected to meet, was the venue for a school-related
meeting. Eddie Sarita, president of HNA, wants to reschedule the meeting to later this month, with the hope that the
association can get on the agenda someone to speak on hurricane preparedness. The hurricane season ends on November
30, and the common hope is that no
hurricane will hit Kaua`i in 1910 or in years to come, but hurricane awareness and preparedness are nonetheless
still very much needed and desired.
Another item that HNA may place on its agenda in the near future is the proposed site
near Ma`alo Road as the next Kaua`i landfill. Residents
of Hanama`ulu may have found themselves saying NOT AGAIN! when they read in the Friday (September 10, 2010) issue of The
Garden Island Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr.'s announcement of a site near Ma`alo Road in
Kapaia, a half-mile south of Wailua Falls. Many will remember that in 2002 during Maryanne Kusaka’s administration,
a site behind Kalepa Ridge on Grove Farm Co. land was proposed to replace Kekaha Landfill. “Why Hanama`ulu?”
was the question then. Hanama`ulu Town residents may be asking the same question, but that may be premature at
the moment. Only after the county government officially presents the proposal can a dialog, say between the county
and Hanama`ulu, on the proposed site begin. Stay tuned. More to come. (Posted: Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2010)
Note: The Thursday, August
19, meeting was cancelled. (Posted 8/9/10)
The May 20, 2010 meeting of the Hanama'ulu Neighborhood Association
was called to order by President Eddie Sarita at 7:05 pm at King Kaumuali‘i School Cafeteria. The meeting was
then recessed for money collection and accounting for the association’s July 10, 2010 laulau fundraiser.
A total of $790.00 was received as follows:
Tono Duterte……………………$200
/20 tickets.
Ben Alayvilla……………………$200
/20 tickets.
George Freitas………………….
$200 /20 tickets.
Alice Morikawa………………..
$100/10 tickets.
Eddie Sarita……………………
$ 90 /9 tickets.
TOTAL: $790/79 tickets.
The meeting was reconvened at 7:19 pm. The money collection
was done early because the Treasurer, Neil Rapozo, was not feeling well and asked to be excused.
Alice Morikawa offered the Opening Prayer.
Report: Neil Rapozo, Treasurer, submitted a written report that included the following information.
Total balance remaining from 2 Weed & Seed grants: $91.76
Building Fund: $l, 060.00
General Fund: $2,108.23
Treasury Balance as of 5/20/10: $3,259.99
Treasurer’s Report approved as circulated.
May 8, 2010 Swap Meet:
Eddie Sarita reported that 20 vendors participated.
The meet’s hours were 8 am to 1 pm. Alice Morikawa
asked about requirements & cost. Tono Duterte suggested that participants at future meets be assigned booths early.
This was not done for the May 8 swap meet because the layout map was not completed in time. Ben Alayvilla pointed out that
pre-setup of the booths could not be done on Friday due to the park being used for softball practice in the early afternoon.
July 10, 2010 Swap
Meet: Eddie Sarita announced that the July 10 swap meet is canceled because of the laulau fundraiser distribution
time being done at the same time. There would not be enough help to distribute laulau. Prior vendors will
be notified of the cancellation by mail.
July 10, 2010 Laulau
Fundraiser: Members are asked to begin turning in their collected payments now and if they have not yet begun
their sales, to start now because HNA needs the funds to pay off Brenda Durant on the July 10 pickup. Approximately $8,000
will be needed by that date.
Cemeteries Report:
Tono Duterte reported that on May 17, 2010, the following worked for two hours at the Japanese Cemetery: Tono
Duterte. Ernie Domingo,
Ben Alayvilla, Cecilia Wood. and Peter Rayno.
The Filipino Cemetery did not require any work as it was in
good condition.
Cleaning of the Japanese Cemetery will make it more presentable
for the
Bon Season that begins in June. The gate lock is
not working again, perhaps due to Grove Farm Co. again changing the code. Tono will return the keys to Laurie
Kelekoma for readjusting.
Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup:
Laraine Moriguchi submitted her written report on the April 18, 2010 cleanup. Twelve turned out to participate
in the monthly cleanup from Wilcox Hospital to the Robert’s Tours baseyard at the intersection of Kuhio &
Kapule Highways, north of Hanama'ulu Town, a distance of about 2 miles. She would like to thank the following for their
participation: Ben Alayvilla, Clayton Cataluna, Tono Duterte, Roy Goo, Pauline Ibia, Herbert Kakutani, Catherine Mata,
Laraine Moriguchi, Larry Matsuwaki, Eddie Sarita, and Vic Villon
The next cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 22, 2010.
Meet at Hanama'ulu Café parking lot at 8 am. Monthly cleanups are scheduled for the Saturday following the association’s
monthly meeting.
Tono Duterte suggested that the DR Horton/Schuler Homes company that owns the old canefield next to and north of the school
and residences be notified about the potential of fire due to the dry grass and the approaching dry season. The old
firebreak is no longer there because the grass has again covered it over. Eddie Sarita will do the notification.
Hurricane Insurance
& Fire Insurance: Tono Duterte asked whether or not the association could have an insurance industry representative
to speak to the members about the rising home insurance costs and the high cost of hurricane insurance. George Freitas
volunteered to call State Farm Insurance to ask if someone could come. Eddie Sarita will also ask State Representative
Tokioka to attend the June 17 meeting to discuss the status of the Hurricane Fund.
There being no further business, Alice Morikawa offered the
Closing Prayer. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Submitted by Eddie Sarita, Secretary Pro Tem
21, 2010: Agenda
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010
Time: 6 PM – 7 PM: Potluck Dinner
7 PM – 9 PM: Meeting
Place: Sarita Residence -- 5088 Paka Dr., Hanamā'ulu.
Special guest will be Jan Tenbrugengate, former Honololu Advertiser correspondent, who is now a consultant
for the landowner of the 400+ acres of land makai of Kapule Highway below the Robert’s Tours baseyard in Hanamā'ulu.
He is aware of HNA's interest in land for Hanama`ulu's planned community center and wants to meet the movers & shakers
of the Hanamā'ulu community to explore opportunities for mutual collaboration.
Other agenda items:
1. Scheduled 2010 Swap Meets
2. Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup report by Laraine Moriguchi and scheduled 2010 cleanup dates
3. Hanamā'ulu cemeteries cleanups
& landscaping project
4. Community service project:
Repair of chainlink fence along the ditch between
the highway & King K School
5. Proposed laulau fundraiser –
July or August
6. Team sponsorship request by Peter
7. Hanamā'ulu Beach Cleanup
8. Proposed water rate increases by
Dept. of Water
9. 2010 Christmas Lighting Contest
10. 2010 Annual Holiday Dinner
The agenda encompasses the entire year so HNA can consider an action plan for 2010. Participation
and input at this meeting are important.
Please help in calling those who do not have email and advise them of the meeting.
1. Peter Rayno
2. Tono Duterte
3. Ben Alayvilla
4. Al Garcia
5. Alice Morikawa
6. David & Elli
7. The winners of
the Christmas Lights Contest
Please bring a small dish of your favorite food. (Source: Eddie Sarita's e-mail of January 15, 2010)
Archival Minutes
September 17, 2009: Minutes (Verbatim & Excerpts)
Attendance: Eddie Sarita, president; Vic Villon, vice-president; W. Neil Rapozo, treasurer; Florentino "Tono" Duterte, sgt.-at-arms,
Pastor Roy "Rocky" Sasaki; Pastor Larry Matsuwaki, Alfonso Garcia, George Freitas, Peter Rayno, Asako Iwamoto, John Iwamoto,
Pauline Ibia, Dale Matsuura.
Opening Prayer: Pastor Sasaki
Minutes of August 27, 2009: Motion by G. Freitas, second by N. Rapozo. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report: Checkbook balance as of Sept. 16, 2009, $6,243.63: Weed and Seed Grant balance, $2,241.78; Building
Fund, $1,020.00; General Fund, $2, 981.48.
Old Business: 1. Laulau Fundraiser: Profit, $1,030.00 Total sales, $5,030.00; Payment to Brenda Durant, $4,000.00
Fundraiser Special Kudos: P. IBIA, arrangements with Brenda Durant; L. KELEKOMA, printing
of tickets, ticket distribution, approval from Big Save for use of parking area and the Dept. of Parks & Recreation for
use of Peter Rayno Park bus shelter as laulau pick-up stations; V. VILLON, P. IBIA, J. & A. IWAMOTO, & E. SARITA for
staffing pick-up locations on August 15.
2. Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up volunteers, August
FREITAS, Kuhio Hwy. from Roberts Tours to Hanama`ulu Cafe; BEN ALAYVILLA, E. SARITA & D. MATSUURA, Kuhio Hwy., from Laukona
St. to Immaculate Conception Church; LARAINE & MIA MORIGUCHI, Kuhio Hwy., from Immaculate Conception Church to Wilcox
Hospital; F. DUTERTE, shuttling of volunteers.
The volunteers picked up about 12 bags of rubbish
during the one-hour project, which began at 8 am. Next clean-up: Saturday, September 19, 2009, at 8 am.
3. Christmas Lights Contest: President
Sarita suggested that the association resume sponsorship of a Christmas lights contest this Christmas season. With
a motion by P. Ibia and a second by G. Freitas, the members voted to approve. Pauline will be the chairperson for the
contest. Small prizes, such as is done by the Kekaha Communtiy Association, rather than large cash prizes will be awarded
this year.
4. Holiday Gathering in December: With
a motion by G. Freitas and a second by D. Matsuura, the members approved to have the observance at the Kauai War Memorial
Convention Hall on Friday, December 11, 2009.
5. Monthly Free Bingo Game at Hanama`ulu
Beach Pavilion: Continuance of the games is deferred until further notice.
6. Clean-up of Japanese Cemetery: See
Kalepa Cemetery page of Website.
New Business:Community Swap Meet/Health Fair: President Sarita proposed
that the association sponsor the event at Peter Rayno Park on Saturday, November 21, 2009. Funds from the Weed &
Seed account can be used. Grove Farm will be sponsoring the Puhi Swap Meet, and Marissa Sandblom of Grove Farm told
Sarita that she would be willing to provide information on how the Puhi Swap Meet is conducted. Theresa Koki of the
County's Anti-Drug Agency is also willing to advise based on the health fair on Friday, September 25, at the Lihue Civic Center.
Sarita and Ibia will be co-chairs of the Hanama`ulu event.
Adjournment: Closing prayer by Pastor Matsuwaki. Motion to adjourn by Pastor Matsuwaki; second
by V.Villon. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
(Minutes by Eddie Sarita, Secretary pro-tem)