Archival Materials 2010
To provide a venue for Hanama`ulu
Town residents to come together regularly as a community, five Swap Meets will be held at Peter Rayno Park in 2010: March
8, May 8, July 10, September 11, and November 20, from 7 am to 1 pm.
must set up their own tents, which are limited to 15' x 15', tables, and chairs. A $20 deposit is required to ensure
that vendors leave their areas clean.
What residents sell at garage
sales and homegrown vegetables may be sold at the Swap Meets.
All interested vendors are
welcome. For more information, contact Eddie Sarita at 346-0090. * * *
As discussed at the May 20 meeting, the July 10 Swap Meet was cancelled because the laulau fundraiser distribution was held on the same day. Cancellation notice was posted on May 20, 2010.
The September 11 Swap Meet was
also cancelled.
* * * * *
P. O. Box 206
Hanama`ulu, Kaua`i, Hawai`i 9671
E-mail: hanamaulucommunityassociation@live.com
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