Hanama`ulu Beach Park Cleanup
Project 2008
Feb. 21: Close camps; Remove abondoned cars. (Police/Park Enforcement )
Feb. 26 to Feb. 28: Park Maintenance Mobilization (Larry Saito)
Feb. 29 to Mar. 14: Tree Trimming; Install new boulders (Larry Saito)
Mar. 3 to Mar. 7: Repair roof of new pavilion as needed (Public Works/Bldg.)
Mar. 8 & 9: Re-build Shower Stall Enclosure by old pavilion (HNA Volunteers)
Mar. 15: Community Workday: 8 am to 12 noon. Community
Volunteers. Contact:
Eddie Sarita, 241-6623 Mar. 22:
Community Workday (Community
Mar. 29: Dedication/Re-opening of Park (Community/County)
(Subject to Change)
1. Conduct enforcement sweep of beach park and remove abandoned vehicles, campers and homeless people.
2. Cut down and remove large Java Plum tree located on hillside by old pavilion by vicinity of existing concrete table.
3. Trim all Ironwood trees bordering on parking lots starting from the shower stall by old pavilion in a southerly direction
towards the river mouth.
4. Public Works/Bldg. Div. to repair roof of new pavilion as needed.
5. Close off and prevent access to restrooms of old pavilion. Purpose: prevent use of toilets by public since demolition
of old pavilion cannot be done immediately.
6. Install large boulders at locations as shown on beach site map.
7. Demolish existing shower enclosure by old pavilion.
8. Apply for all necessary demolition permits for old pavilion.
9. Complete demolition of old pavilion when possible.
10. Grade/clean sand accumulation in parking area of new pavilion.
11. Install "No Vehicles Allowed On Beach" signs.
Continue enforcement of beach closure through March 30, 2008.
(Subject to Change)
1. Re-paint existing 15 picnic tables.
2. Clean/weed-eat area along fenceline located mauka side of entry road across from new
pavilion. Common boundary with old Kane Family property.
3. Clean graffiti off from new playground equipment.
4. Pressure wash all concrete floor slabs of new pavilion, two shower stalls, restrooms and existing concrete table by
old pavilion and barbeque grills.
5. Perform any required weedeating and cleaning of areas under and around Ironwood trees.
6. Plant Milo Trees along both sides of entry road as shown on area map.
7. Re-paint interior walls of new pavilion's restrooms.
(Posted: Wednesday, February
27, 2008)